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Turbonegro: When the fans fall short of the band

When you talk about a community of fans of a group, which boasts thousands of members around the world including Mexico; The least that was expected as a result of the band they love coming to their country for the first time and with a special tour for their 30 years of life, was a concert entree. That is why we do not explain ourselves as an event as special as the show of Turbonegro at Raven Pavilion, had such a low entry despite the enormous effort to get the debut of the Norwegians in our country.

A few people were present at the forum watching the performance of the Bloody Benders, the female punk band in charge of opening the event with their performance of horror full of blood, masks and references to horror movies. When the performance of the Mexicans ends I expected all the turbojugend Mexican: they probably stayed outside waiting to see only Turbonegro, I thought. What would be my surprise to see that at 10 o'clock the lights go out, and attendance remains almost the same.

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But speaking of the show in particular, what a way to open the show by the Norwegians. And is that "The Age Of Pamparius" is a theme with an epic entry that explodes into a melody that everyone loves and chants the "Uoo uo uo-oh". In fact, a couple of guys I met at the end of the show almost cried when they found out that being late missed that song. "Part II: Well Hello" and "Part III: Rock N Roll Machine" are executed next, and many of us really can't believe we have finally faced Duke of nothing wiggling all his immense -literal- cadence with his fitted denim shorts and his leather beret after 3 decades of waiting. Hurry Up & Die and "Back to Dungaree High" Then they raise the arms of the attendees who want to applaud each note on each topic.

"We are going to play a very, very old song" comments Duke and surprise everyone with a snippet of "Bohemian Rhapsody" of What in, before inviting us to the hottest city in the world with "City Of Satan"; with everything and simulation of spanking to the bassist Happy tom included. "Blow Me (Like the Wind)"It is played now and I have to admit: I feel a little disappointed with the energy both on and off the stage: because of the special occasion and the band expected much more. Fortunately for me, the concert would give a radical change in emotions, and the reason had a name: Friedrich Nietzsche.

After a snippet of Thunderstruck of AC DC, Turbonegro touched "Hot For Nietzsche" and it really seemed that they had changed our concert: out of nowhere the band and the people connected and the energy went up from ten to a thousand giving away the party that one expected for this great event with shouts, jumps and finally a good slam. I was afraid that the atmosphere would go out at the end of the topic in question but luckily from here the voltage became constant, and in "All My Friends Are Dead" the madness far from diminishing increased. And despite the fact that "Are You Ready (For Some Darkness) and "Fist City" They are not so fast subjects, the spirit did not drop in the least, and everything is already a party atmosphere throughout the pavilion.

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"Is this a Wednesday night? For me this is like a crazy Saturday night ” speaks Duke to the microphone before "Wasted Again" and "Sell Your Body (To The Night)". However, the real madness would come with "Demin Demon" which as its name implies, puts fans fighting like demons in a moshpit full of creatures in vests turbojugend to push himself with his rhythm; that later and with the characteristic versatility of Turbonegro now they dance happily with "Get It On". "We are 30 years old and it is our first time here in Mexico, can you believe it? ” question Duke and then some red lights illuminate the forum and the powerful Self-destruct Bust unleash another slam full of pure voltage where fans also fly on top of each other as they are thrown and beer glasses fly through the air from one side to the other. With "Special Education" that gives us a curious Duke With the edging included, we briefly dismissed the band.

Turbonegro he returns and tambourine in hand resumes the night with Prince Of The Rodeo and then pay tribute to the Beastie Boys with "(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party!)". The review for 30 years of history has been extensive and much enjoyed but the turbo machine is about to shut down. The end had to be unforgettable and so it is with "I got erection”That had everything: snippet of Enter Sandman of Metallica, a Wall of death among the fans and especially an atmosphere glam punk unsurpassed holiday; that they were a worthy closing to the great night. In the end and although the turbojugend expected did not arrive in that amount, the one that did did was claimed and was part of a great celebration.

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