Although it sounds pretentious it is the truth: in this fourth and successful edition it was revealed that there is no other festival more extreme and pure adrenaline in our country than the festival Off Limits. The intensity of slam and the power that the bands display during the more than ten hours that the event lasts are enough argument to give this festival its place of honor and even more when it gives us unforgettable editions like this fourth.

Those who arrived from noon could start the marathon with the presentation of Biting Socks, Beneath The Horror and Control, and then surrender to the beauty combined with brutality of the metal girls of Introtyl. After that Acidity It would demonstrate again why it is the Mexican punk band with the greatest international projection at this time, with a great show and unleashing the first slams especially in closing with its already known “Camino al Infierno”.

He hardcore is undoubtedly one of the genres of this festival, and Questions desde Brasil es un excelente exponente que de paso, cortó el listón del desfile de bandas internacionales del día. “This Is Now”, “Defender” y sobretodo el cover to Grave with “Troops Of Doom” extreme dances would be unleashed with more power in an environment full of comradeship speech between the hardcore Latin. Continuing with the Brazilian bands we would have the arrival of Nervo Chaos it must be said: it lowered people's spirits quite a bit. His presentation filled with that rare mix of black metal with thrash And till punk with breaks from doom metal It felt drab and heavy, lacking power. But if we talk about power, who would be the first big surprise of the night would be the punks of Mute y su sonido más feliz y festivo: ellos a diferencia de la banda anterior de inmediato se echaron a la bolsa a los asistentes y los brincos y energía fluyeron de principio a fin en su presentación, con temas como “Resistance“, “Bates Motel” en clara referencia al libro “Psycho” , y un genial cover to the subject “To Be With You” of Mr. Big.

A new block more focused on hardcore is present with the following two bands. First and pure NY style with Incendiary that unleashed the characteristic dances of the genre below on stage but also above since its vocalist was able to alternate singing with jumps and punches in the air. After them and with a proposal with less blasts and more speed, No Turning Back He asks people that their euphoria be able to jump the barrier that separates them, and remembering that they have more than six years of not having come, they achieve a vibrant presentation with songs like “Stay Away” y “Stronger”. The stage would now be filled with beauty and attitude with the arrival of the punk girls Bad Cop Bad Cop. its punk Cheerful and jovial, it refreshes the scene even though people cannot connect with it at all and remains very static: perhaps it was not the ideal day for that type of proposal, perhaps they just wanted to have a quiet eye wink with the beautiful women.

A stinking smell of violence and dirt now floods the 360e forum and is that Nausea is already on stage. Californians did not hang around the networks and without moving much vomited their powerful set with some songs from Terrorizer including, that unleashed a real unhealthy and mosquito butchery among the people. Knocks and shoves were the order from start to finish before a proposal that serves that purpose, to unleash musical aggression. Despite the fact that someone had the terrible idea of throwing inflatable figures onto the track that only hindered and distracted those of us who were in the moshpit, the experience Nausea it was definitely brutal. We now return to hardcore (in that excellent alternation that I have always applauded to the festival and that does not leave you bored in a single musical line) from the hand of Earth Crisis. With the stage lit in red from start to finish of the show, its sound again attracted lovers of flying kicks from the start with “Raise”, and going through great successes like “Deliverence” and “Born From Pain”.

Despite the fact that the event limped due to large lapses in an audio with some flaws, for the presentation of Toxic Holocaust Everything was ready and perfect and good; since the presentation of the band led by the blond Joel Grind It was the best of the night. The intensity and evil in the slam on topics like “Nuke The Cross”, “Wild Dogs” and even the slowest “War Is Hell” It was undoubtedly not suitable for the weak, and it reminded us why the band that comes next is a reference for all those who love the thrash hard and raw, the kind that leaves bruises all over your body the next day. Strike Anywhere is the punk band in charge of following the night and although its concept puts its fans more faithful to sing with passion and deliver songs like “To The World”, “Chalkline” and “I´m Your Opposite Number”; if the bar set by the Toxic Holocaust as for intensity on the part of the public it refers.

There comes the stellar moment of the night when the beasts of Wolfbrigade are unleashed. A highly anticipated band that had been very difficult to bring to our country was performing for the first time, and the fans they know it and that's why from the start with “Feed The Flames” and “Basic Urge To Kill” they don't skimp on fighting inside the mosh like real wolves. It was a dream debut for the Swedes in our lands since both in their recent songs and “Catch 22”, “Return To None” and “Nomad Pack” , as in those who became famous when they were called Wolfpack for example “Novembers Delirium”, “No Future” and “Living Hell”; the atmosphere was adrenalinically worthy of such an important first time in Mexico. After a brief pause Wolfbrigade says goodbye now if with “Empty Cage” As a gift (it was not on the printed sheet of the setlist), and in the end we were only sweaty, tired fans and some even bleeding but happy; after a new edition of which I repeat: today it is the most extreme festival in Mexico.
All photos by Alfredo Alvarado