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The Queers y el punk “marica” en el Pasagüero

He Passenger it was the forum where the band appeared punk The Queers este pasado 15 de noviembre. Traducido como “Los Maricas”, nombre que se pusieron para referirse a la comunidad artística gay that in their early years they hated for feeling elitist and superior, they came to Mexico City to play their best hits in a totally underground.

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After the performance of national projects Pepe not only and Postcard, and half an hour before what was announced on social networks, The Queers takes the stage to immediately do his thing to the rhythm of “Tamara is a Punk” . He slam se abre de inmediato al centro de la pista con “Like a Parasite” original from Screeching Weasel to continue with “I Met Her At The Rat” and the melodic “Debra Jean” which is chanted with feeling. With almost 4 decades of life The Queers It has an endless number of successes that people want to hear, and this is how we go over the great songs that have made Americans a true legend, such as “Night of the Living Queers”, “My Old Man´s a Fatso” (original de Angry Samoans) and the short but forceful “I Want Cunt”.

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Despite the fact that the band has little interaction and performance and is only dedicated to playing one song after another, people are happy and enjoy each song. A triplet of fast and fast-paced themes lights up the moshpit; we are talking about the issues “Monster Zero”, “No Tit” and “You´re Tripping”; subject in which they do not hide their repudiation of Nazism and the supremacy of white power. Meanwhile, on the side of the venue, a group of fans sitting at their tables enjoy the rhythm of “I Hate Everything” and “Kicked Out of the Webelos”. Joe Queer in his role as sole founding member he is arguably the most applauded member for singing and playing “Ursulla Finally Has Tits”while his other much more recent entry musicians complement the sissy trio playing “Cindy´s On Methadone” (other cover of Screeching Weasel) and “Fuck The World”. The Queers He is about to leave in his short presentation (about 40 minutes long) but he has time to say goodbye with “This Place Sucks” and “Punk Rock Girls”. The band ends its act like this and leaves the stage, although after several minutes of waiting it would take time to go out to sign records and take a photo with the fans.

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All photos by Francisco Pérez [penci_review]