Stratovarius 1

'Music has a special meaning to heal minds and souls': Timo Kotipelto, Stratovarius.

We were able to talk with Timo Kotipelto, lead singer of the Finnish band from power metal, Stratvarius, who told us details about his next album, his opinion on current social problems and his next visit to Mexico.

Resultado de imagen para Timo Kotipelto

Su último álbum ‘Enigma: Inermission ll’ fue muy querido por sus fans, ¿cuál es el camino que el nuevo álbum tomará líricamente?

‘Enigma’ fue un álbum especial. Pasaron muchos años sin nuevas canciones de Strato, así que decidimos lanzar algo especial para los fanáticos. Hemos estado componiendo para el nuevo álbum con Jens y Matias, quienes ya visitaron mi estudio varias veces. Ha sido muy productivo, un nuevo enfoque para nuestra banda al componer juntos. Las canciones tienen diferentes temas líricos.

We are living in a world where, currently, suffering from anxiety or depression is already very common, what would you like to transmit in your songs to fight against these problems?

On Stratovarius, some songs are exhilarating, and the empowering lyrics have always been part of the band's music. I write about how to fight problems, depression, etc. About things that I have felt or seen around me. I think music has a special meaning to heal minds and souls. And this is what we want to do. Give people who listen to our music more strength and power to live their daily lives.

On a musical level, speaking of the harmony of the songs, how difficult was it to create them?
It is not very easy to create catchy lyrics, melodies and harmonies. The more albums we have made, the harder it will be. I suppose the same thing happens with all the bands. But I am very optimistic about our new songs. Some I like very much at the moment and they are not even completely finished.

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Del álbum ‘Nemesis’ al ‘Intermission ll’ hay una enorme complejidad y cambio de tecnología, ¿cuál es la causa de ese desarrollo para Strativarius?

We are not intentionally trying to change our sound, nor are we trying to be repetitive. Everything happens naturally. And everything affects the process of composition, recording and creation.

Do you think there are things overrated in the industry, speaking musically?

Probably many. But I am happy about the fact that our music is not conventional. So in my opinion it's great that you like Stratovarius just because not all other people do.

How much do you think you have learned musically from the first moment you were with the band to the present day?

Creo que he aprendido mucho. Desde que me uní a la banda ha habido ‘desorden’ en el negocio de la música, dentro de la banda y en todo el mundo. Creo que se aprende cuando ya estás tocando y también aprendiendo de lo que sucede a tu alrededor. Todo afecta todo. Incluso como vocalista, he aprendido muchísimo, y lo sigo haciendo.

In addition to self-solution, self-search, psychology, and even social protest and so many songs you play on your albums, what other songs would you be interested in playing, perhaps ecology in a deeper way?

I don't want to tell people how things are. Or what they should do. I just want people to start thinking for themselves. To realize how wonderful some basic things can be in life. Sometimes it's hard even for me to realize how beautiful the world is. So from time to time I have to try to stop and take it easy, open my eyes and look around me. The themes also change. Depending on what has happened to me lately. Or around me.

In Europe and particularly in Scandinavia, this music is culture, it is a day to day, here in Mexico it is still for certain types of people or for musicians, why do you think there are people who resist metal?

It is much easier to go with the dough and not think of yourself than to try to think differently. I'm not saying that everyone should listen to metal. I just want people to let themselves decide what they want to do. Not because everyone else is doing this and that, so I should do the same. As I said before, I am really happy to be different and listen to metal!

You will play at Knotfest México How do you feel about being part of a lineup as impressive as Slipknot, Evanescence, Godsmack, among others?

This is a great opportunity for us to play at a great festival and share the stage with some great acts. There will be many people in the audience who have never heard of us. Well now they will. We have never played in this kind of big metal festivals in Mexico, so it's a cool new experience. In Europe we have played basically in all the big metal festivals, but never in Latin America.

We appreciate ACK for the facilities and Vladimir Archer for his collaboration in the interview.

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