“Los fans mexicanos son grandiosos”: Herman Li [DRAGONFORCE]

The renowned British Powr Metal band, Dragonforce is part of the poster that this year will bring the Corona Hell and Heaven Metal Fest. Less than two months after having them back in our country and promoting the compiler ‘Killer Elite’ released just a few weeks ago, we had the opportunity to briefly chat with the guitarist and founder of the band, Herman Li.


[cbtabs][cbtab title=””No haremos nada para celerar nuestro 20 Aniversario””][/cbtab][/cbtabs]


  • They have been touring promoting their latest material for some time now and are now returning to Mexico to participate in Corona Hell and Heaven Metal Fest 2016.

Si, es grandioso. Estoy muy feliz de poder volver… acabamos de dar un show allá el año pasado, pero me alegra de verdad estar de vuelta en México, pues ese país siempr es asombroso. La gente, los fans son grandiosos. Siempre es una grata experiencia.


herman li

  • Es la primera vez que tocarán en un festival mexicano…

Exactly, it is our first time and we are eager to share the stage with all those great bands and of course, with our fans.


  • Dragonforce is used to playing at big festivals like the 70,000 Tons of Metal or Wacken Open Air. What do you prefer, those massive events or playing in smaller venues alone?

A mi me gusta cualquier tipo de show, la verdad. Shows pequeños, shows grandes, festivales… creo que Dragonfroce es capaz de tocar en cualquier tipo de evento. Hay paises que no tienen la capacidad de  organizar festivales masivos, así que si nosotros queremos hacer un tour mundial y poder visitarlos, debemos adaptarnos a ello.


  • Hace dos años lanzaron su más reciente disco ‘Maximum Overload’ pero hace unas semans se decantaron por lanzaron un compilado llamado ‘Killer Elite’.

‘Killer Elite’ es nuestro álbum ‘Best of’. Quisimos poner todas nuestras mejores canciones en un mismo lugar, para que tanto nuestros fans de antaño y nuestros fans nuevos puedan tenerlas ahí. En el Hell and Heaven tocaremos un setlist basado precisamente en este disco, además de una canción que jamás hemos tocado antes en México. Para que estén listos…


  • En los últimos meses han estado trabajando en nuevo material…

[Laughs] Yeah, well, actually right now I'm in the studio recording the new album, so I can't tell you much yet.


  • They are almost 20 years old as a band, are you going to celebrate?

Nerd. Nothing of that. There will be no birthday party, anniversary tour, or celebration album. It's not something that really matters to me. All I want is for the band to keep going and I don't care if he's 20, 10 or 5 years old. So I don't want to do anything to celebrate it.


  • Hiciste una colaboración con las pequeñas japonesas Babymetal hace poco tiempo…

They are wonderful people to work with! I really enjoyed the opportunity to record a song with them. In addition I was also able to make a special appearance on stage with Babymetal [in the Golden Gods]. I have nothing more to say about them except that they are amazing girls and that both sides learned a lot from each other in the experience. They both learned from Dragonforce, and we learned from them.

