A few days ago, the news exploded: Fernanda Lira and Luana Dametto were leaving Nervous. However, Prika Amaral, the founder and guitarist of the band did not give up and immediately looked for the perfect substitutes so that the dream of the Brazilian band would continue to live ... and their effort paid off.
From now on, the voice of Nervous will be in charge of the Spanish singer Rocío Vazquez, better known within the scene as Satanic Diva, who until now has served as the band's vocalist Bloodhunter, in addition to having collaborations with groups such as Wizard of Oz or Kamelot.
We had the opportunity to talk with her a few days after the announcement of her incorporation into Nervous about his vision of the project and the future of the band.
You have been climbing throughout your career through various projects, from your participation in La Voz, Bloodhunter and now you come to Nervosa which is a band that has gained great international projection in recent years. What do you think about this?
I think I am very lucky and that hard work seems to be paying off. You can not imagine the hours per day that I dedicate to be able to advance.

How was the selection and casting process to be part of the band?
Prika [Amaral, guitarist] contacted me because after informing Fernanda and Luana of her decision to leave the band, she had started auditions to rebuild the band. Immediately I got down to work and although it has been weeks of sending videos, many calls ... it has been very worthwhile. I am very happy to be able to be part of a project like this and with such exceptional colleagues!
Entering a previously "established" band can be difficult due to the nostalgia and the little adaptation to change by the fans, what do you want to offer to Nervosa so that this theme does not weigh so much?
When a band is at this high level of recognition and its members are so loved, it is always difficult to fill that gap. Of course I cannot be Fernanda, but I will do my best to contribute my essence to this project to continue growing. For the moment, the reception has been much better than expected and we have before us the challenge of returning all the love that the band is receiving.
Is Nervosa now your main project?
Nervosa is a first class band and the work rate is very high, so the demand, responsibility and commitment to the project must be as well. Right now I must be 100% concentrated in Nervosa, but I will try to combine it with the plans we had in place with my other band Bloodhunter and with the rest of the collaborations I was working on.
From the beginning, Prika made it clear that she also chose them for their compositional capacity, which was one of the points in the casting. Do you already have ideas for an upcoming Nervosa album?
We are all already working on new material and we are very excited to be able to contribute our grain of sand. The individual experience of each one from their own perspective is going to be an enriching factor that I think will offer a very interesting proposal.
Nervosa went from being a purely Brazilian band to an international combo, will this help give a new variety and flavor to the sound of the band?
Of course, as I told you more than nationality, the personal experience of each one will be a strong point because both Prika and Mia [Wallace, bassist] have played on some of the best stages on the planet and with renowned musicians. On the other hand, Eleni [Note, drummer], is very versatile and has collaborated with many artists of very different styles. I think we are going to achieve great things together.
You speak Spanish, do you plan to introduce the language at some point in Nervosa or do you prefer to follow the pattern of singing in English?
I have always written my lyrics in English because my main influences did so and I am not used to writing in Spanish, but I am always open to any possibility.
And how about the idea of adding clean voices?
I don't think this is the project for it, nor am I a vocalist for melodic, but as I say, we will see where the compositional line is flowing. Nowadays there is this tendency to add many very different elements to the compositions, but I think that adding the result doesn't always have to be better.
"Nervosa is one of the greatest exponents on the scene for women."
Faced with the evident health crisis that has hit the world - obviously Spain also quite seriously - the entertainment world has been one of the most vulnerable, what do you think will follow for the music industry?
We are facing a new reality and we are going to be forced to change our paradigm of action against it. Many initiatives are already being seen within the industry to be able to adapt to it, such as launching more audiovisual material of the playthroughs type, direct on social networks; With the limitations to travel and go out to give concerts, you have to look for other forms of financing through the sale of merchandising or digital distribution through digital platforms, for example. These are difficult times but I am sure we will know how to redirect our future plans.

We have read that Bloodhunter will continue to be fully active and they are preparing a new album, what are you telling us about this?
We were finishing the composition of our third album but due to this pandemic situation, we had to postpone the entrance to the studio. As soon as the situation allows, we will get everything moving again.
In a world that is gradually opening up more for women - and of course, metal in particular -, Nervosa is an inspiration point for girls who aspire to live from music?
It is essential to know that you have the option of being able to do something, have references, and Nervosa is undoubtedly one of the maximum references on the scene for all of us. In addition, as you say, they are not only inspiration at a musical level, but they have managed to reach the top and are the living example that if you work very hard, dreams come true.