CYNIC: Live in Osaka, available online and free

Cynic It no longer exists, but they still have certain surprises for their fans around the planet. Next, you can watch online and for free the show that the band recorded during their last performances in September last year at the DROP Club in Osaka, Japan.

The video was recorded and edited by Sotaro and Nubuo Okuda, in addition to Pudding Broadcasting. The band clarified that this concert will not be released in any other way, neither DVD nor audio CD.



El pasado 10 de Septiembre -apenas unos días después de su gira por Japón- el baterista Sean Reniert anunció el fin -por segunda ocasión- de Cynic, aún sin consultar la opinión de los otros miembros de la banda, Paul Masvidal y Sean Malone. “CYNIC is no longer an active gang. Due to artistic and personal differences, the second chapter of this book has come to an end.  I must say that the last shows in Japan left a positive charge for me, even because they were the last ones we shared, Paul, Sean Malone and me. My long creative partnership with Paul, which started when we were just kids in South Florida, has generated a lot of friction so I don't see, from my perspective, a way to save, repair or keep the band afloat. I deeply apologize to the fans who were unable to see us at Taiwn - it was not our fault - and to those who will not be able to see us next month in Europe. Unfortunately, they are things that happen within a band. There may be different levels of conflict and differences of opinion, musical direction, and perspective. Sometimes, they are things that cannot be overcome and that is the case of CYNIC. ”

Following these statements, Paul Masvidal hinted that he and Malone They would continue with Cynic, but to this day, it seems that this will not be the case.