PRO MEXTAL 2016: A metal festival with an altruistic soul

In order to make a positive social impact through metal, 12 Mexican bands have come together to participate in the festival Pro Mextal which will take place on April 3 at the Esplanade of the Iztacalco Delegation with the support of the Dopac Collective, Neuroviral Productions, Sunken and the delegational government. Entry to the event will be free.

Attendees will be able to donate non-perishable food, in addition to board games that will be delivered to the Instituto Pro Niñez Mexicana, located in the Colonia Agricola Oriental in Mexico City.


  • Transmetal
  • Raped God 666
  • Tanus
  • Vulgar Addiction
  • Black hate
  • Anima Tempo
  • Sidartha Brothel
  • Venemous
  • Throug Torment
  • Save me
  • Oedium
  • Tranatopsy
