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Brian May is declared the best guitarist in rock history

Total Guitar magazine has chosen -through a survey with its readers- to Brian May of What in as the greatest guitarist of all time in rock history.

“Estoy absolutamente sin palabras. Estoy impresionado. Tengo que confesar que es algo completamente inesperado. Obviamente me conmueve profundamente que la gente sienta eso por mi. Realmente no me hago ilusiones de que técnicamente estoy siquiera cerca de los grandes guiarristas de la historia. Esto más bien me dice que he afectado de forma positiva la vida de muchas personas y eso significa mucho para mí”. Jamás diré que soy un virtuoso en la guitarra, pero siempre trato de tocar desde lo profundo de mi corazón y eso es todo.” commented may about his victory.

La encuesta tenía más de 170 músicos en sus opciones, divididos en las siguientes categorías: Rock clásico, blues, heavy metal, shred, indie/alternative y “mejor actualmente”, dentro de las cuales pudimos ver desfilar nombres como Eddie Van Halen or Jimmy Hendrix.


Through a video broadcast on his official Instagram account, the guitarist of the legendary British band What inBrian May, has confirmed that he suffered a life-threatening heart attack.

In the video, the 72-year-old musician revealed the "saga of pain" that he suffered during the month of May, which includes several injuries and an admission to the emergency hospital. "They did an MRI and yes, I had a tear in my ... my buttock." said. Then, after a few days and seeing that the pain did not pass, he was diagnosed with a compression of the sciatic nerve, which caused him intense pain.

IF this was not enough, May also had to endure the heart attack, which kept her life at risk for approximately 40 minutes. "In fact, it turned out that I had three arteries that were clogged and I was at risk of blocking the blood supply to my heart." Although the doctors recommended a triple bypass, Brian opted for a simpler solution and added small expanders that help keep his arteries open and he is out of harm's way.