Monday. Start of the week that everyone hates. Or at least the people who have a soul within themselves. But the Monday that started this week had a palliative for all that rancor we have for him, because Omar Rodríguez-López and Cedric Bixler-Zavala - formerly known as The Mars Volta and now members of Antemasque, pisarían el escenario del Circo Volador para presentar el álbum debut de este “nuevo” proyecto”.
The presentation of Le Butcherettes It started at about 8 PM on a hot night - or at least I was hot, then. What a great frontwoman is the tapatia Teri Gender Bender! [or Teresa Suárez, for suckers]. He runs, twists, shouts, jumps, screams again, throws himself onto the track, screams again and crawls, all while singing and playing the guitar or keyboard; accompanied by the drummer's percussions Lia Braswell, featuring the songs from his latest album, ‘Cry is for the Flies’. I don't know, but I loved them. [And I think I was not the only one]
An illuminated curtain of an intense blue color was the frame that framed the exit of Antemasque. ‘In the Lurch’ fue el tema encargado de abrir las pesquisas y demostrar que aunque las comparaciones con The Mars Volta are more than inevitable, Antemasque It has a life of its own and a long career to give. Topics like ‘4 AM’, ‘I Got No Remorse’, ‘Domino Rain’ y ‘50,000 Kilowatts’ They were in charge of mastering an environment full of Rock and powerful riffs.
Only 10 songs made up the setlist, but it was enough to please the attendees who gathered to see how Omar Rodríguez-López, Cedric Bixler-Zavala, Marfred Rodríguez-López and David Elitch made us forget that it was Monday.