As part of the campaign for reelection, the team of the President of the United States, Donald trump, used the theme ‘I Won´t Back Down’ of the deceased Tom petty during a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
However, the fact was not well taken by Petty's family, who through a statement distanced themselves from Trump and prohibited him from continuing to use the song.
“La canción de Tom Petty ‘I Won´t Back Down’ fue usada el día de hoy en un mitín de Donald Trump en Tulsa. Trump no estaba autorizado para utilizar la canción para llevar a cabo una campaña que ha dejado atrás a muchos estadounidenses y al sentido común.
Both Tom Petty and his family are firmly against racism and discrimination in any form. Tom Petty would never have wanted his song to be used in a hate campaign. He liked to bring people together.
He wrote this song for the underdog, for the common man, and for everyone. We want to emphasize that we believe everyone can vote for whoever they like, think what they like, but the Petty family does not support this. We believe in the United States and we believe in democracy. But Donald Trump does not represent the noble ideals of either of us and we would hate for the fans who are being marginalized by this administration to believe that we are their accomplices. That is why we have officially sent a ban on the use of the song in the Trump campaign.
Adria, Annakim, Dana y Jane Petty.”
Tom petty passed away in October 2017 due to accidental mixing of medications to cushion pain.