Serj Tankian sends message of support to Armenia and shows new SYSTEM OF A DOWN song

The vocalist Serj Tankian He sent a message of support to the peaceful resistance groups that have emerged in Armenia. Thousands of people have turned to the streets to protest and demand the departure of the current ruling regime.

“Quiero felicitarlos por hacer posible una de las campañas de desobediencia civil más exitosas en toda la historia de Armenia. Esto demuestra que el movimiento es auténtico y completamente suyo, y que así debe permanecer, lejos de intereses políticos o parecidos. Debes saber que todos en la diáspora estamos con ustedes.”

At the end of his speech, Tankian He shared a preview in demo form of a new song from System of a Down, inspired by the shows that the band gave in Armenia in 2015. The theme song by name ‘Electric Yerevan’ and it would be officially launched in the not too distant future.