SEPTICFLESH made the Metropolitan Theater hell


There are moments that mark our life, for better or for worse; a good movie, a delicious coffee, our first kiss or an excellent concert. We had the opportunity to attend the symphonic show of SEPTICFLESH at the Teatro Metropólitan, and for our fortune it became that memory that we will immortalize forever.

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At 8:00 p.m. and counting on a full venue to burst, a voice announced that the show was about to begin that a couple of hours later would have us all ecstatic attendees. Although, since this concert was released last year, expectations were already high, I am sure that none of us could have foreseen the incredible quality and powerful sound that the band together with an orchestra of more than 100 musicians ended up offering us .

It was particularly striking that among the public we found people of different ages and nationalities, having the curious coincidence that I had to be the entire show with a German girl who enjoyed each of the melodious chords that SEPTICFLESH It has been performing perfectly since 1990. The sound section of the Greek band has been reinforced with the mysticism that the orchestral tones characterize, being even more evident in their latest studio productions.

Gerardo Urbán and Fernández, who has also participated in projects such as 'Requiem', 'The sweet sounds of death' and 'Mahler' was in charge of giving life to most of the Show who, with his 15 songs, showed why the teacher and composer took a Latin Grammy in 2015. Gerardo's experience and ambition were evident at every second, and of course, people recognized him with a warm and extremely loud ovation.

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SEPTICFLESH He played a beautiful selection of hits that reviewed his long career, delighting us with songs like "Prototype", "Communion", "The Vampyre from Nazareth" and "Pyramid God". Even the band interacted encouraging us to ask for "Burn". The truth is that all present in unison, always with the energy and effusiveness that Spiros Antoniou He always transmitted seeking unity by emphasizing that we are all brothers and sisters.

Fortunately, the choirs made up of children and adults managed to perfectly synchronize with the Death metal and those letters that refer to mythical, epic themes, and references to HP Lovecraft perfectly combined with the neoclassical finishes of the place chosen by Eyescream Productions and Symphonic Experience. We can only applaud and support them to continue having more and better concerts of this nature.

To finish, the band said a phrase so true that I will remember it in my text and that is that "we witnessed art" that night, just as their last song predicted. The perfect conclusion to one of the best concerts I've ever been to in my life, and one that will be etched in my mind forever. The night that SEPTICFLESH conquered the Metropolitan Theater and all our hearts too; a night that only leaves us in doubt, when can we enjoy the DVD that they have prepared for us? Hopefully it will be very soon!

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Photos by Selene Ortiz, courtesy of Eyescream Productions and Symphonic Experience


SEPTICFLESH made the Metropolitan Theater hell
In conclusion, the SEPTICFLESH - Inferno Orchestra MMXIX show has been one of the most spectacular that the Metropolitan Theater has surely had the opportunity to witness, and the best that all of us present may have attended. Every peso invested in the tickets, and every minute of waiting was worth it before a concert that only minor details can be thrown in the face of the audio. An audiovisual experience that you should have witnessed, and if you did not, let us tell you that you will surely regret it.