Candlemass it is simply the parent institution of the Doom metal. Their more than three decades of existence and the influence they have established in the world of metal are enough to give them status as living legends on the scene. In the framework of the singer's return Johan Längqvist, who after being part of the initial years of the band retakes the microphone 32 years later; we were able to talk to him in a pleasant interview prior to the presentation of the swedish band at the Candelabrum Festival.
Tell us a bit about the history of how your return to Candlemass came after more than three decades of leaving the band.
It is actually a very simple and short story, but a pleasant one. There is not much to say beyond that at some point the boys contacted me to find out if I wanted to return to the band and the answer was yes. The invitation came at the perfect moment of my life since my children have left and in fact I even have several grandchildren. Therefore I no longer have those responsibilities and I am only in the care of my wife; so I am available without problems for this return. It is the ideal time.

Was it difficult for you to get back into the rhythm of the composition and recording sessions as well as the tours after all those years?
Not really, since I have never abandoned music as such. I have a home studio that I have worked in for twenty-five years and have not stopped mixing, recording and staying on stage. This thing about music is passionate and you cannot abandon it so easily.
Su más reciente EP “The Pendulum” en una versión especial con póster incluido fue un tremendo éxito en poco tiempo y ya no hay piezas disponibles de hecho. ¿Esperaban tan tremenda respuesta?
Tengo que decir que estoy muy agradecido con la respuesta de la gente. Ha sido increíble la recepción de nuestra audiencia y el ver que siempre están ávidos de escuchar las nuevas canciones. El material se vendió muy bien lo cual nos dice que la gente sigue al pendiente de nosotros y creo que la mejor palabra para describir como me siento de formar parte de esto es “afortunado”.
Hace ya diez años se lanzó “Doomology“, un boxset especial conmemorativo muy importante. A una década de distancia de ello ¿no hay planes de lanzar algo así de emblemático más ahora con tu regreso?
It's been a long time indeed. I also think that it could be a good time, since in fact this couple of years we have been recording and doing things that could be borrowed as supplementary material and released. The idea is good although of course, for now there would be no way to give you a specific date or something like that.
Entrando en el tema actual del coronavirus, Suecia es uno de los países que adoptó la estrategia de “Rebaño” para buscar de manera pronta generar la mayor inmunidad posible, siendo mucho más laxo con los temas del confinamiento que otros países. Alrededor del mundo se habla que esta no fue la mejor decisión ya que el número de decesos se ha disparado contra el pronóstico estimado por dicha estrategia. ¿Crees que la forma de abordar el problema fue un error?
Well, I don't know if it's good or not, since I could really tell you about what I see and live on a personal level in my environment. People have been keeping the measurements and for example in the restaurants there are separate chairs so that people can eat with the distance that the protocols suggest. I know that Sweden has been a much more permissive country than for example the United Kingdom, in the sense that if I want to go anywhere there is no law or formal government recommendation that prohibits me. But for example, my in-laws, despite this, have been locked up all these months and we bring them what they need, so it is up to each individual. I think I cannot say if the strategy was good or bad since I am not an expert and maybe it will take a few more months to find out.
Candlemass will be soon in Mexico to participate in the Candelabrum Fest. Is this your first time in our country?
De cierto modo si. En el crucero “7000 tons of metal” estuvimos un breve momento en una de sus playas y allí muchos fanáticos mexicanos abordaron la nave. Fuera de ello es en efecto mi primera visita de estancia más larga a tu país. He visto y escuchado mucho sobre lo pasional que son los metalheads not only in Mexico but throughout Latin America and I am very excited to be there in front of a large audience. We are going with the intention of giving our best and giving a great show.