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'Our songs are a photograph of our spirit': Roberto Gil: Delta

Delta it is a relatively new project that fuses hard rock with interesting electronic hues focused on creating an alternative atmosphere, but at the same time powerful and high impact; especially in their live shows. We had a nice chat with Roberto Gil, drummer of the project, where we delve a little deeper into the work of Delta.

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Tell us a bit about Delta as a project: Its beginnings, main influences and concept.

Delta is a band that was formed in 2013 with Armando, Luiggio and another drummer; and I later joined due to different circumstances in 2014. It is an electronic rock band and I emphasize this because we have a fourth member, which is the sequences; who are really a fundamental part of the band. Armando He is an expert in sequences, and although many people say in a mocking tone that we put pianos, choirs and other sounds there; they really complement the creation and composition of our songs. We do not make electronic music in itself, but they are an indispensable part. From rock influences we have Kiss and Led Zepellin on their part, while I am more than another generation with Deftones, Tool, A Perfect Circle; and also in Spanish with La Cuca, Mechanical Orange and  Caifanes.

Our presentations are usually hard rock and with a lot of power, and the topics we talk about are love and heartbreak, as well as conceptual things.

What can you tell us about your EP Hologram?

It is a more conceptual wave, as something personal and that does not have a specific theme: you can be talking about love, about heartbreak. With “Holograma” As a simple thing, something very curious happened to us: We launched the theme in August 2017 as a promotional single and in September we had the theme of the earthquake. We had been working well and everything stopped, and although the promotion of the theme did not break, more than 6 months went by in which we were able to start until the second single called “Locura Colectiva” that we presented in 2018 with Elephant in star tent. We have then that 8 months passed between a single and another, and then we appeared on the screens of the subway and we did very well. Then we launch “Beautiful” y también nos fue muy bien. Finalmente teníamos otras dos canciones que integramos y formamos el EP. Una de ellas llamada “Hasta que la muerte nos separe” fue una colaboración con una amiga nuestra, Monica Soto, quien nos invito a tomar sus escritos para convertirlos en la letra del tema, que habla de lo terrible de una  chica que encuentra a su pareja con otra. El último sencillo es “El ojo que todo lo ve”, y con el se cerraron los 5 temas del EP. Entonces el EP lo fuimos terminando hace apenas 3 meses, y ahorita estamos trabajando el nuevo material que sale en agosto.

La parte curiosa es que mucho tiempo después, en Alfa Radio escuchan “Holograma” y les gusta y la lanzan en su programación.  Pareciera entonces que re-lanzamos la canción a pesar de que no fue lo planeado pero obviamente nos conviene mucho. “Holograma” consideramos es una gran canción y de hecho con las que abrimos nuestros shows, y merecía esa vitrina que los desafortunados eventos del temblor le quitaron.  Con este nuevo aire al tema estamos dando el cerrojazo de oro con la promoción de este sencillo en julio y agosto; y de ahí lo que viene será lanzar el nuevo material.

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Ahora que tocas el tema de “El ojo que todo lo ve”, el lyric-video es una locura con muchos colores y psicodelia; incluso con su advertencia a la gente que padece epilepsia. Una experiencia visual que se podría antojar hasta para un viaje con alguna sustancia. Mi pregunta con base a ello es ¿Estás a favor o en contra del uso de este tipo de estimulantes para aumentar la percepción sensorial , sea al momento de componer o bien de disfrutar un trabajo así de visualmente alucinante?

Yo no hago de sustancias aclaro -risas- . El lyric-video de “Holograma” y este los hizo la misma persona. Es un artista visual que nos ha agarrado mucho la onda que para que veas si es bien pachecote -risas-, y los visuales son un apoyo fundamental en nuestros presentaciones. La letra tiene que ver con una relación amorosa y en efecto, con el concepto de que hay un ojo que todo lo ve y que de cierta forma “algo” siempre esta mirándote en lo que haces a diario. No es la idea como tal invitar a la pachequez jaja, pero nuestro artista utiliza en efecto geometrías y fractales para generar un trance, que si alguien quiere utilizar para usar un viaje psicotrópico no estamos en contra de ello; quizá en contra de los abusos si, pero no contra la libertad de usar algún estimulante.

En el tema de la epilepsia que mencionas, la gente agarro de cotorreo lo de la epilepsia pero si pasa; más vale avisar -risas-. Si bien es cierto si también lo usamos como gancho para darle realce al video, ha habido casos como el de un tipo que se desmayó manejando y le dio un ataque tan solo por el efecto que los rayos del sol a través de los árboles al lado de la carretera le dio. No estaba de más la advertencia, por más “me enrisa” que la publicación generó -risas-.

Delta in her posts and even her profile info puts a lot of emphasis on positivity and good vibes. What is your definition of it and why is it so important?

You see a phone and you see the news and everything is wrong, so it is up to you to see things as they are and yet; take a different attitude. In the music scene for example they complain that there are no opportunities, there are no commissions; but that's the way it is. So then you have to understand that things are the way they are and it is up to you to feel like it and make it positive. We have all experienced some heartbreak for example, and that we talk about it is not a complaint; just happened. The songs of Delta they are translations of our feelings but never a complaint, rather they are like a photograph of our spirit and what we feel. We have very good vibes and positive energy, and it shows in our presentations. We may have a bad day, but it is time for the rehearsal or the show and we have to clear all that and focus on transmitting what we want.

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Among all their events, I am struck by the fact that they shared the stage with the Mystica Girls, a metal band with a somewhat different audience, probably different from the one you usually have, and which is also sometimes a bit intolerant. How did it go with those events?

They tossed us easy like five tomatoes - laughs. No it is not true, the truth is that Mystica Girls I thought they were very good, I have to say it and they were also super cool. The public I know is a very skeptical public, but no; the truth is that it went very well for us. We played four dates with them and there were other bands related to both Mystica like us, and in general we all did well. The truth is that we were without problems for 4 dates doing a dumbbell including Querétaro, where by the way a heavier metal band played where a girl we saw sang and that seemed delicate and short and take it: it was a very throaty trancazo and everything. And then we alternated with those concepts and it was luxurious; In fact, the dates for Zacatecas and Aguascalientes were closed by us and we had a very good acceptance, I think because, as I say, although we did not hit the double bass drum or anything like that, our presentations are really with great energy.

For those who want to check them soon: What are your next shows?

We have one close already this Tuesday on the Tuesday of the mezcal de caradura, which I really think is going to get very good because we are in our house and people who know us are going to go and also, there is free mezcal and there is no cover -risas- . On September 7 we also have another date in the HDX bar. Others are still to be closed but for now they are the secure 100%.

Now to finish. Any message for people who read this interview?

We thank you very much for the space, and we invite you to give yourself the opportunity to listen to the band and get to know our material; and especially they launch to see us live to know us and judge what Delta has to offer.