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Metal Nation 2019: the Japanese invasion at the Flying Circus

In a joint effort by J-LOD, a Japanese non-profit government-supported Japanese organization that works to disseminate Japanese art internationally, and entertainment promoters Hooling Bull from Japan and Metal Fight MX from Mexico, the first edition of the festival was held Metal nation It was a complete success in terms of production, giving away an unforgettable night with three of the most powerful exponents of Japanese metal.

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At 5 PM and after those who bought their VIP packages had lived with their groups, the black blanket that covers the stage rises and a voice welcomes us through the audio of the forum, presenting (first in Japanese and then in Spanish) to the first band of the night: Gyze. The grouping of Death metal melodic tore off with Final Revenge"And the powerful Eastern Spirits earning public applause from the start. Without a shirt but with great mastery, the Japanese continued their presentation with Pirates of Opas, "Dragon Calling" and "The White Territories"; as we watch his drummer pound all the cymbals, including the one hanging above his head. Gyze repeatedly asks the respectable moshpit and after a couple of tries people react and some fans go around and beat each other to the rhythm of Northern Hell Song. "Mayoi", "Japanese Elegy" and "Black Shadow ” They come next, and every time the band has a moment to ask people to raise their hands and applaud, everyone attends religiously. With her eyes bordered by a line of black paint Aruta Watanabe He watches us as his bass spits out the notes of "Desire" and "1945 Hiroshima". The time has come for Gyze says goodbye but Ryoji Shinomoto (who reminds us a lot in style and image of Alexi Laiho of Children of Bodom, but in the oriental version) he decides to thank us and close the night with Far Eastern Asian.

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The blanket comes down again, and the same metalheads as lovers of Japanese culture with bright outfits and colored hair take advantage of a beer and wait for the next band. When the curtain rises again we are ready to receive to Sex Machineguns or well, we thought so; since I don't think anybody has been really ready to predict the surprising energy that the Japanese charge: not for nothing are they a whole cult band in their country. And it is that from the beginning with "Mikan No Uta" and "Family Restaurant Bomber"And with everything and wrestling masks on, its heavy sound rumbled the walls of the forum with a power and heaviness that left us speechless. They were the ones who put bestiality to the night with their sound sometimes very Thrash, sometimes more Speed And till Heavy metal. Topics like "Onigunsnow" and Japan they lent themselves to induce slam, but people seemed to be too entertaining with the band members running around and doing choreography while playing their instruments. Sex Machineguns He doesn't stop joking and interacting with people with the few sentences they have learned in Spanish like "A coke" and "Beer" , and even with a fun speech trying to read one of his musicians, who makes drunken gestures every time he mentions the word "Tequila". The night continues with brutal beats of metal like Heavy Metal Thunder”(Where they list an endless number of bands of the genre)“Aijin 28 " and Mori No Kumasan, until with the brutal sound of "German Power"They say goodbye leaving us really surprised with their great show. It should be mentioned that they were originally scheduled to close the event but for reasons that we do not know the final order of the line up It was modified.

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Again the curtain goes down and when it rises, we find the beautiful presence of Yui Itsuki, vocalist and leader of Yousei Teikoku (also known by its German name Das Feenreich). The name of the band translates into Spanish as "The kingdom of fairies" and without a doubt the thin vocalist seems like a dark and beautiful fairy ready to enchant everyone with her spell. Sadly, the band's presentation was unlucky in the sense that the audio was too high (for bad), in addition to the fact that several fans of the already select and reduced attendance decided to withdraw after Sex Machineguns. But it must be said too: the people who stayed gave themselves with passion and dedication singing and jumping each of the songs that the band has made famous as openings and endings from many anime as well as others like “Flamma Idola”. The whistles and compliments do not wait when Yui he takes off his coat to show off his fragile anatomy even more, and even had the luxury of playing with people doing snippets of "Painkiller ” and "Raining Blood ” of Judas Priest and Slayer, respectively. Climbing on a military-style podium and wearing a beret that made her look like a war leader, Yui would unleash madness with "Kuusou mesorogiwi”, Without a doubt one of the most anticipated themes and opening from the famous anime "Mirai Nikki ”. Yousei Teikoku He seems to say goodbye but returns to the stage, and does a survey style among the fans asking them what topic they want to hear. In the end Patriot Anthem She is one of the chosen ones, to end another topic to end her presentation to enormous applause. [penci_review]