DC Comics released the new trailer for his upcoming story arc, 'Dark Nights: Death Metal', carried out by the team made up of Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion and FCO Plascencia's. The epic video is spiced by 'Warship my Wreck' by Marilyn Manson.
Get ready for a devastating encore! The legendary team behind 'Dark Nights: Metal' and 'Batman: Last Knight on Earth' takes center stage and meets for a final tour. When Earth is engulfed by the Dark Multiverse, the Justice League is at the mercy of Batman Who Laughs. Humanity struggles to survive in a hellish and twisted landscape beyond recognition, while Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman have parted ways and struggle to survive. Release the beast and let the blows begin! ”
The series debuted yesterday and will have a total of seven numbers.