MakeWar it's a band of punk rock of Latin American origin but based in New York, which has been gradually opening up a place in the industry, which has allowed it to expand its horizons and reach Mexico for the first time by the hand of Destiny Recording.

The appointment was in the Alicia Cultural Multiforo, a place where people lined up from the time the doors were announced, showing interest in witnessing the show from its first bands. There is a considerable delay in the time of entry but the atmosphere outside is cordial, and when the opening of the venue is finally announced, everyone enters with joy and ready to have a good time. Inside the first group of the night would wait for them on stage, who under the name of Rhodakanaty would flood the forum with its punk rock melodic. After them, it would be time to receive Last One Standing, a band with a much more aggressive sound and that forced you to move your head from start to finish. Then it would be the turn of Dischord, a band of Venezuelan origin but currently based in Mexico City, who received applause with their proposal among a mix of metal, hardcore and punk. It should be noted that his drummer could not be present but, faced with the commitment not to cancel the date, they found a worthy replacement; thus attesting to his great professionalism. For this moment the forum already presented a large entry, putting the ideal framework for what would be the tremendous surprise of the night.

The young band Trve Friends He goes on stage, in what is his last performance together as a project, and I must say that the response of the people to his presentation was simply amazing. Among friends and fans of the band, it was great to see how people went crazy opening the slam throughout the boys' presentation, launching themselves into human catapults toward the stage, and then jumping back onto the track in the traditional stage diving. It was incredible to see how people knew each stanza of themes like “Papá se desmayó porque mamá es lesbiana”, “Maldi-Tasea” and “¿Quién se llevó a mi chica?”; and more incredible to see how the followers fought each other to go on stage and take the microphone to sing a fragment. Visibly moved, Trve Friends would thank and say goodbye to people before their indefinite unemployment as a group. Without a doubt they stole the night and were the band that made the most power unleash of the entire cartel.

Then it would be time to enjoy the presentation of MakeWar. Although the capacity was reduced by people who had only attended for being at the farewell of Trve Friends, added to the people who minutes later left to reach the metro (due to the delay MakeWar started his show at 11:20 PM); Those who stayed made the band feel sheltered with their applause and singing with songs like “Hopeless Dreamers”, “My Bones” and "Don't make excuses“. El ritmo estilo western of “Matador Pool Party” invites to jump, and while the band mocks the heat generated by their hair the night continues its course to the rhythm of “DTFH” and “Insurance”. “Tenemos aquí un par de temas en español, son solo dos y esperamos nos ayuden a cantarlos” requests MakeWar before giving us away “No más” and “Inmunda Realidad”, two songs that besides being the only two in the language of Cervantes, in my opinion are the two with the most combative streak in the band's discography. A couple of fans try to do slam but the capacity is low and people are more focused on singing than doing pogo.

MakeWar He is very grateful for the opportunity to visit Latin America for the first time, and continues his presentation with great singles, some of which have their own official video clips such as “Tiger Lili”, “On Feelings”, “Oh, Brother” and “Sail”. His style punk rock happy and melodious has very good to the audience that applauds them and celebrates everything. “No importa si no saben ingles o no conocen del todo las letras. Ustedes canten “wachu, wachu” y disfruten; así lo hicimos todos los que en un principio no entendiamos nada del idioma” invites MakeWar asking people to join in, and get a great chorus of people by performing “Ode” and “Sallie”; dos de sus temas más conocidos. La banda se despide aun con “American Soccer" and "Don´t Panic” como bonus, y si bien es cierto la locura intermedia del show jamás regresó, la experiencia al final en su totalidad valió muchísimo la pena.

Photos by Antonio Ramírez [penci_review]