23 best alb

The 20 best rock and metal albums in 2023

The best of the best this year

2023 was a good year for music, it is a fact. After the pandemic kept us locked up for a couple of years and bands didn't have the opportunity to go on tour, it was inevitable that the inspiration fairy would touch them wholesale and we, as music fans, would receive great music.

There were many great works that were released throughout these twelve months, but we chose 20 albums that, in our opinion, were above the rest for one reason or another and that you should listen to no matter what.

‘Relentless’ – Pretenders

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Despite having almost five decades behind them, Pretenders continues to be present on the scene and also releasing good music. They could well do like the vast majority of veteran bands and rest on their laurels living solely off the hits of yesteryear; However, 'Relentless' shows that the band still has things to show.

Through the voice and command of Chrissie Hynde, the band once again showed their punk side that led them to glory in the 70s.

‘Spine’ – Myrkur

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The new muse of folk music, Myrkur released her fourth studio album, 'Spine', a short work - only 34 minutes long - but which shows her sweetest and most dramatic side.

Through sound moments that use metal, electronics, pop and of course, the traditional sounds of Scandinavian folklore, Myrkur takes you on a journey full of beauty.

Tracks like 'Blazing Skies' or 'Like Humans' show that the magic of Myrkur is alive and growing.

‘A Sign of Things to Come’ – Sylosis

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After an album that, although good, did not really exploit its full capabilities, Sylosis returned in 2023 with 'A Sign of Things to Come', a beast of brutality where the band reaches a new level, but with an enviable consistency.

It may not be the best album of their career, but the quality that distinguishes them gives them enough to put them on the list. For many it's more of the same, but for a band like Sylosis that's far from a bad thing.

‘i/o’ – Peter Gabriel

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After years of waiting, delays and much expectation, former Genesis frontman and progressive movement icon turned pop star, Peter Gabriel finally released 'i/o', a work that shows its tendencies towards perfectionism and that reveals it by having not one, but two versions that differ between them simply due to slight adjustments to the themes.

Of course, Gabriel's voice continues to be impeccable and, as it were, the unrivaled hallmark that has made him a music legend. After two decades in the oven, 'i / o' is not the brightest thing in his already brilliant career, but it is a point to consider among the best that he gave us 2023.

‘Foregone’ – In Flames

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In Flames, one of the great references of the old Gothenburg sound, continues to expand its legacy with 'Foregone', an album that is heavy and gets right to the point, which in addition to everything, finally manages to revitalize the most typical sound of the band.

Powerful, full of great choruses that make the most of Anders Fridén's vocal abilities, make the album sound fantastic.

'Foregone' is a reminder that In Flames is alive and still relevant in a world full of bands that try to imitate their sound, but without really achieving it... because they are not In Flames.

‘Memorial’ – Soen

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Swedes Soen and their new album, 'Memorial', are an example of what a band can achieve when they find the correct evolution within their musical progression, while remaining true to themselves.

The album does not try to invent anything, it is simply the continuation that the band had already shown in previous works, but taken to a new level.

In 'Memorial', we can find what are perhaps the most powerful riffs in Soen's career, who decided to follow a heavier and more direct course, but that does not move away from their essence, to continue building their image that is not distorted , but without falling into self-plagiarism.

‘The Other One’ – Babymetal

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After a short break, the Japanese band Babymetal returned to the fray in 2023 with 'The Other One', an album that repeats the formula that has led them to international success and becoming one of the most famous Japanese bands on the planet.

Sounds coming from J-Pop, combined with powerful and fast riffs, which was nothing we haven't heard on a Babymetal album before, but which is precisely what a fan of the band wants to hear.

'The Other One' does not bring anything new. It's the same Babymetal we've heard and loved since their 2015 debut, mixed with synths and a little less super heavy moments, but still working perfectly.

‘Life Is But a Dream…’ – Avenged Sevenfold

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'Life Is But a Dream…' meant the return of Avenged Sevenfold after seven years of waiting, a job that has taken them out of their comfort zone and that perhaps It was not what many fans of the band expected, but what the band itself needed to avoid falling into monotony and to be able to prove to themselves that they could breathe new air and continue.

The album is a whirlwind of changes, experimentations and a rise and fall of emotions, both musically and lyrically, but achieving satisfactory results.

Avenged Sevenfold took the bull by the horns, took the risk of changing despite the criticism it might receive and managed to reinvent itself, delivering a work full of quality.

‘Fauna’ – Haken

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'Fauna', the seventh album by the British progressive Haken, is proof that to make an album with great technique within the genre, It is not necessary to be pedantic and lazy.

Haken shows that they are enormous musicians, possessing great skill with their instruments, but without leaving aside the melody that bands of this type often forget in their search for brilliance.

'Fauna' is a balanced album, full of great moments and originality, which is undoubtedly a delight to the ears of any fan of progressive sounds.

’72 Seasons’ – Metallica

72 Seasons

Metallica may be whatever you want, but it is Metallica and when they release an album, it is always going to attract attention and '72 Seasons' is not the exception and also, in a good way.

The successor to 'Hardwired...' does not leave anyone indifferent and is also a sign that Metallica does what it wants, without taking into account what the current fashion is or what its haters may say about it. they.

'72 Seasons' is a fulfilling album, full of spectacle and songs that meet the expectations that may be had of them. It's not the band's best work, far from it, but at this point, what does it matter anymore? It's Metallica.

‘The Above’ – Code Orange

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Code Orange presented with 'The Above', a step forward in their career, moving away from their origins and taking a step forward with such a work eclectic and varied, as powerful.

When many would think that the key to the band's success would be to maintain their roots within metalcore, the band has almost completely squandered that and taken elements of nümetal and industrial to create a hybrid that takes them to a new level.

If things go as they should, 'The Above' will be the album that will take Code Orange to the top positions at festivals and put them on the major charts. audiences with a much more commercial and digestible sound.

‘Chaos Horrific’ – Cannibal Corpse

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Cannibal Corpse is an absolute benchmark in terms of the most extreme metal and their new album, 'Chaos Horrific' is another example of why, above all all with the enormous influence of Erik Rutan reverberating throughout the album.

The album in general presents a cleaner sound in terms of production, but without taking away even a bit from the carnage that the band always presents. Fisher's voice is brutal and the riffs are devastating.

'Chaos Horrific' follows what was presented on the band's previous album, but refined and polished. It is an album that every extreme metal lover should have on their playlist.

‘Exul’ – Ne Obliviscaris


More than a decade has passed since their debut and now, the Australians Ne Obliviscaris are undoubtedly one of the great references of metal in their country and their new album, 'Exul' does nothing more than confirm your status.

The band's new work is a much more thoughtful work, full of calm passages followed by frenetic and powerful choruses, in addition to the classic progressive sound that we already know, but improved.

'Exum' is full of complex schemes and intricate moments that will captivate a new generation of fans who will decide if they rise to a new level or the spark will die after the shine.

‘Sky Void of Stars’ – Katatonia

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When we thought that Katatonia's music could no longer rise any higher, the band gave us 'Sky Void of Stars', a work that has no lose and without waste.

All the songs on the album have their own charm, highlighting - although without detracting - 'Opaline', 'Authors' and 'Atrium'. Straight to any Katatonia fan's playlist, for sure.

'Sky Void of Stars' is a step forward for the Swedes, without leaving aside the sound that has been accompanying them in recent years, but elevating it within a new layer full of cinematic mysticism that makes it special.

‘Purge’ – Godflesh


If you're a fan of happy, easily digestible sounds, then stay away from Godflesh, as Justin Broadrick's band and their new album, 'Purge ', you're not going to like them.

Over eight songs and just over 40 minutes long, 'Purge' is heavy, muddy, dark and very intense. As always, industrial sound and sludge are the hallmark.

With 'Purge' they tried to update and bring to 2023 the concepts that they had already explored with 'Pure' from 1992 and they do so successfully. Godflesh is a complex machine that works perfectly and if you want to try something that is out of the ordinary standards, you should give it a try.

‘But Here We Are’ – Foo Fighters

Foo Fighters But Here We Are

Saying goodbye is almost never easy. After the painful loss of Taylor Hawkins and Dave Grohl's mother, Foo Fighters found refuge in music and with > 'But Here We Are' they released one of the best albums of their career.

'But Here We Are' is a well-polished album that has the theme of death as a common thread that connects the songs that compose it and that very surely served to Grohl and his companions as the relief they so needed.

After Concrete and Gold and Medicine At Midnight, it seemed like Foo Fighters were running out of creativity; However, 'But Here We Are' came to show that this is not the case, they simply needed a boost to get it afloat. Too bad it was that way.

‘Stone’ – Baroness

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Baroness arrived in 2023 with 'Stone' under their arm, their sixth studio album and the one that may take them to a new level of notoriety with its quality.

With 'Stone' , the band shows the world all the elements that have taken them to the top, but polished, perfected and detailed in such a way that there will be no fans of the band that can be said to be disappointed in it.

Baroness released their most complete and comprehensive album in their career to date. It's deep, rhythmic and filled with a lot of layers and sensations.

‘Anno 1696’ – Insomnium

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Creating a concept album is a complicated task, but when it is done well, things like 'Anno 1696′, the sublime new album by Insomnium emerge. >.

The album is made up of eight songs and each of the eight are gems that flow from the highest standards of melodic death metal; powerful and full of contrasts between fury and the beauty of softness.

If you still don't know much about Insomnium, 'Anno 1696' is an excellent starting point. Pure quality.

‘Take Me Back To Eden’ – Sleep Token

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“True metal” lovers are not very happy that the big headlines have been occupied this year by a British band that is far from the standards that they set to give them their approval.

Sleep Token is a band that has managed to earn a place, through the mysticism that surrounds them and the sublime music that they have managed to produce, something that is faithfully reflected in 'Take Me Back To Eden' , their third studio album.

'Take Me Back To Eden' is an extremely varied work, full of elements from hip-hip, industrial, pop, post-punk and much more, which has not left no one indifferent and not for nothing has it received praise from the biggest stars of the genre. A must in 2023.

‘Terrasite’ – Cattle Dicapitation

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Demolisher. It's the only way we can define Cattle Decapitation's new album, 'Terrasite', an album so heavy that it must immediately become one one of the favorites of lovers of the most extreme sounds.

When many thought that the band's sound could not surpass the standards that they themselves imposed with Death Atlas, this new album arrives and demolishes everything, imposing new levels to aspire to within the genre.

Devastating voices, super powerful riffs, extremely aggressive drums are the formula for Cattle Decapitation to take the year, the applause, the ears and everything they want, because they deserve it.

All of these albums are now available and you can listen to them through your favorite streaming platform.