The festival Off Limits It has positioned itself as the most important festival in hardcore and extreme music from Mexico City and the metropolitan area. The appointment this 2019 is September 14 in the 360e forum, and here we present the reasons why you cannot miss it.

Known until 1998 as Wolfpack until they changed their name to avoid being associated with the Swedish neo-Nazi gang. They are the headliner and it is no wonder: their powerful mix of hardcore and metal which leads to an aggressive crust not suitable for delicatessen. A band that for years people have asked for and that has had an infinity of problems and lengths to materialize, in a first and perhaps only time effort to see Swedish wolves in our country. There have really been years of trying to bring them so now that it was possible it is unforgivable to miss them.

Joel Grind and company are a guarantee of power and slam. its thrash rabid and fast with that raspy and violent tone in each letter does not give rise to rest and promises a real carnage. Who saw them in that Eyescream Metal Fest we know the kind of moshpits that their songs generate, to the extent that on that occasion they overshadowed with their presence a band like Assassin, the supposed main band of that event.

The band originating from Virginia, USA; It is one of the strongest cards to put the seasoning punk to the event. Their heartbreaking vocalizations coupled with their beastly shifts in speed coming and going between catchy tunes and brutal and aggressive sounds led them to even become part of the soundtracks of the games of Tony Hawk.

Course the Core can't stay out at the festival Off Limits. That is why one of the pioneers of metalcore, Earth Crisis, comes to put everyone to jump and throw punches and flying kicks to more power. With their pro-life and awareness message to the environment, they are ready to burst the event with their explosive presentation.

Who Says Punk Needs Testosterone? These four girls from Los Angeles, California have everything to burst the festival with their energy and power. A single presentation seen was enough for Fat Mike (NOFX) decided to sign them on your stamp Fat Wreck Chords. Bad Cop Bad Cop step on our land in full promotion of his latest plaque Warriors.

Pure and total anarchism with crust punk of Nausea from New York. Americans entered the festival at the last minute as a replacement for Dead Congregation who for reasons unrelated to the organization had to leave the line-up; but the truth is that this change was widely accepted among people who can no longer wait to make slam until vomiting with them.

The Mexican punk band with the greatest projection at the moment. His presentations locally and internationally at prestigious festivals such as Rock to the Park and Force Fest, together with several tours of the US and Europe; They position them as an export project thanks to the power and dedication that the people of Guadalajara put into each presentation.