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Metal has a future! Ten bands that you should follow now

Renewed or die. Under this premise, everything that wants to subsist must evolve to prevent the law of natural selection from acting and burying it in oblivion. Of course, music - and in this particular case, metal - is also the object of that much-needed change in the circle of life.

We present you ten bands that represent the future for metal and that you must follow now.


Sweden is known as the cradle of some of the greatest metal glories in its history. Founded in 2001 in Gothenburg, it is one of those bands that has become highly relevant in recent years, especially due to the high quality it infuses in its work, highlighting its most recent material, Hunter Gathererde 2020. Seguramente los veremos escalando posiciones dentro de la escena mundial.

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Commanded by the powerful voice of Tatiana ShmaylyukThese Ukrainians have managed to be among the favorites of the public that likes the most contemporary metal since they have only been around for a decade. With a sound that ranges between groove and more aggressive progressive, it is undoubtedly a band to follow for years to come as we would not be surprised to see them starting to head their own tours and even festivals.

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Once again Sweden meets on this list, this time with a band that although it does not have too many reflectors on them, if they have won specialized critics and a lot of awards, including the Grammy for best metal album in the last edition 2019 by ‘Down Below’.

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Melodic black metal is featured on the list directly from Portland, Oregon with UADA, who with just over five years of career and two albums under their belt, already show great potential and their name appears more and more frequently on the posters of the world's great festivals. If you want to know what we are talking about, listen to his latest production, ‘Cult of a Dying Sun’

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Formerly known as Devil You Know, Light the Torch is the project that the vocalist took Howard Jones after his departure from Killswitch Engage, following his vein in metalcore. To date they have three albums, the first two under the previous name (which had to be changed after the departure of drummer John Sankey in 2016) and only one but highly recommended as Light the Torch and that was released in 2018.

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Oceania has given us great exponents of heavy metal throughout history, such as AC / DC, Airbourne or, more recently, Parkway Drive; and we were not disappointed with Alien Weaponry. Dueños de una fiereza bárbara, la banda fue fundada en Auckland, Nueva Zelanda en el 2010 por tres chamacos de origen Māori que querían honrar sus raíces a través de la música y es por eso que sus canciones están escritas en el idioma de sus ancestros; todo esto plasmado en su hasta ahora única producción discográfica, ‘Tü’ from 2018.

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Californians Deaheaven han enamorado a los amantes del blackgaze y el shoegaze con apenas una década de existencia. A lo largo de cuatro producciones llenos de sonidos densos, donde las emociones se ven amplificadas hasta el infinito, la banda ha logrado una nutrida base de fans que además se incrementó tras su nominación al Grammy en la categoría de “Mejor Interpretación de Metal” en 2019 por ‘Honeycomb’.

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If the thick sounds of doom are your thing, you'll find them in the British Conjurer. Aunque todavía no son muy reconocidos de este lado del Atlántico, la banda ya ha logrado el reconocimiento de una buena parte del público europeo e incluso ya grabó su primer disco en vivo lo cual te puede dar una idea de que su calidad y talento les da para mucho. Conjurer se fundó en 2014 y tiene hasta el momento un solo álbum de estudio, ‘Look‘ de 2018.

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From the darkness of Scandinavia emerged Myrkur, a dark folk / black metal project devised by the Danish multi-instrumentalist and actress Amalie Bruun, who in his idea to change the preconceived idea that we all have of this genre has tried to add a series of quite interesting nuances, especially in his second album, ‘Mareridt’. While is true that Myrkur ha recibido tantos halagos como gritos de odio -sobre todo de gente que no cree que lo que ella hace sea metal – se ha ganado a pulso su lugar en grandes festivales como Roskilde o Hellfest (aunque tuvo que cancelar de última hora).

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Even if Code Orange no sea banda ya no sea taaaaan joven -se fundaron en 2008- su nombre ha empezado a brillar con fuerza en los últimos años, sobre todo por el apoyo que han recibido por parte de otras grandes de la escena como System of a Down y por supuesto, su nominación al Grammy por ‘forever‘ el año pasado. El sonido hardcore punk que proyectan se ha desarrollado y vuelto más rasposo a lo largo de sus tres producciones discográficos y también debemos destacar la enorme presencia escénica de Reba Meyers.

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