Grunge is still alive! Stone Temple Pilots and Bush in Mexico City


Although the boom season of grunge It has been more than two decades past, there are nostalgics of the genre and some current bands that do not let that 90s garage smell die and manage to generate great events when they are combined. That is why a combination of Bush with Stone Temple Pilots (STP) It would undoubtedly be an event of great interest to that music sector, which was evident with the great entry into the Pediment Mexico, which must be said is a venue for others functional and central that raises the hand to be considered more often as an excellent option for live events. People arrived and those who entered early could enjoy the performance of ATMA and Pressive, the national talent in charge of heating engines; everything being ready to make way for the star bands.


The blues of grunge stones

A huge butterfly as a stage background seems to open its wings to embrace all those who long for the end of the 20th century, and it is also the framework for STP start their performance with "Wicked Garden"  making people vibrate the forum with applause and shouts. Yes we know Scott Weiland is already on another astral plane, but while we listen to songs like Crackerman, Vasoline and  "Silvergum Superman" we understand that Jeff Gutt  It is a good replacement for the band to continue chipping stone for a long time: its youthful pose and unbuttoned shirt, with dark glasses and pretentious bearing is a delight for the fans of the group that celebrate everything while they scold themselves singing Big Bang Baby and "Big Empty". Meanwhile, the brothers DeLeo each one in his instrument tear the strings from the first chords of "Plush" and "Meadows", although sadly here the microphone of Gutt It is completely silent, which causes the presentation to have to be stopped to fix the flaw, and resume the set once everything was fixed.


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Despite the interruption, the mood does not drop a bit and people enjoy "Interstate Love Song". But you certainly enjoy much more with Roll Me Under , since it is in this topic where Gutt decides to climb the edge of the bleachers and sing from above and going from end to end, which is used by fans from far back to take as many close photos as possible. Gutt returns to the stage and with an impeccable introduction to cappella interprets "Dead & Bloated", and shake their heads with signs of alopecia where there were once long manes of people, to the rhythm of "Trippin 'on a Hole in a Paper Heart" and of course "Sex Type Thing"; concluding with countless applause the performance of STP.


Bush's powerful speech

And no, we are not referring to any former North American president, but to some Englishmen who from the beginning with Machine Head  they made it clear that the hills are old, because the energy of Bush on stage it was truly impressive. And is that Gavin rossdale He came with all the intention of showing off to people by jumping from one side to the other and getting on the platform, or trying to interact with us in Spanish while the setlist continued its course with "The Sound Of Winter", "This Is War" and "The People That We Love" . Rossdale it is pure euphoria and happiness as he writhes as if time had not passed through his body the same microphone in hand or holding his guitar singing Greedy Fly and "Everything Zen"; while in the background on the drums Robin goodridge, the other member with greater longevity within the band, marks the same passage in a melodic way in "Let Yourself Go" and "Swallowed"That with a lot of power and power in"Little things“.


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If the vocalist's act of STP going up to make a catwalk along the edge of the stands had already made people excited, which would then Rossdale would end up turning all the Pediment Mexico: out of nowhere the English decides to go up to the highest part where there are boxes, and begins to tour the entire area going down to the general stands, letting himself be touched and hugged by any fan, and then go down and do the same by diving into the track area No one can believe it and everyone goes crazy! Rossdale  returns to the stage and argued that "We are all here together as brothers for music" interprets the cover to Come Together original from the Beatles. Then, the singer alone on stage and with his guitar in his hands turns the venue into a sea of cell phones that look like stars in the middle of the dark playing "Glycerine", to finally close his performance with "Comedown"; not without first taking the group photo and saying goodbye extremely grateful for the delivery of the people.

Bush and STP they showed that the grunge It is still alive and latent in the hearts of many people, who regardless of age will always be ready to put on their plaid camisole and ankle boots when the show calls to remember the nineties. Without a doubt, an unforgettable concert with impeccable sound and lighting.


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A generation that refuses to die, and who had a trip to nostalgia in Bush and Stone Temple Pilots
Bush and Stone Temple Pilots lit the Frontón México, returning our minds to the 1990s when grunge was the lord and master of the music industry.