
The future is now, old man! Who are the next metal headliners?

Time passes, inexorable and does not forgive anyone. Yesterday's great headliners are retiring or well, they are dying. That natural process that every living being goes through does not leave out even the most famous of the rockstars and is leaving us without bands to head the huge festivals that take place around the world year after year.

Names like Black Sabbath, AC DC, Aerosmith, Deep purple or Metallica They will remain only in the music they recorded and in our memories in the coming years, leaving a very important place in the world of rock vacant. Who will take your place? We do not know; However, we present ten options that, at least for now, are seen as the most viable to fill the void that the rock giants will leave.

GOJIRA / France

gojira 1

The band of brothers Joe and Mario Duplantier no longer have to prove anything to anyone. Throughout more than two decades of career and with six discs under their arms, they are the absolute heroes on the metal scene of their native country and worthy contenders for a place within the place of honor in all the festivals in which it is presented. . This year, his performance as headliner at Hellfest was tremendous, who remembered Manowar? No one.

Get ready, because in a few years the festivals will be full of flying whales everywhere.

GHOST / Sweden


Yes, yes, we already know that you hate them. Or you love them. Because with the Swedes Ghost there are no half measures. And that is precisely its advantage and why the world has set eyes on the band of Tobias Forge. Through a marketing proposal ingenious -but not too novel- Ghost He has managed to grab the covers of all the media on the scene in the world and position himself in record time in places of importance within the festivals, including sneaking into the headliners of Wacken Open Air last year.

So get used to it, because while the formula continues to work, the Cardinal Copia – o al personaje que le toque suplirlo en la siguiente etapa de la banda, seguirá bailando bajo la lluvia provocando la ira de los trve, mientras escala a las primeras posiciones de los rankings.

LAMB OF GOD / United States


What is there to say about Lamb of god that has not already been said? The band founded in 1994 -although under another name- in Virginia is one of the top favorites of the current metal scene and has blood and fire earned its place among the greats.

Under a scheme that perfectly combines the powerful riffs of his songs with the raspy voice of Randy blytheIt is almost certain that one of the names that we see in large letters on the posters is theirs.

SABATON / Sweden


War, war and more war! That's what you can expect from a show Saturday. And we mean it literally, as listening to this Swedish band on stage is the equivalent of listening to an entire WWII army in action. Well, except for Japan, they were silent.

Headed by the powerful voice of Joakim “Jocke” Brodén, Sabaton is a guarantee of good show and good music, which has positioned them as one of the most stable options and requested by metal fans throughout the world. But like everything in the world, everything is a matter of knowing how to maintain yourself and we will see if they succeed.



Being a relatively new band - although they already have a 15-year career - the British Architects han ganado una notoriedad bastante interesante en los últimos tiempos, sobre todo del lanzamiento de sus últimos dos discos, ‘All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us‘ (2016) y ‘Holy hell‘ (2018) lo que les ha representado estar presentes en los mejores festivales del planeta.

It is still too early to say whether his career will continue to rise towards the privileged places of the world scene or will end up stagnant as many other times it has happened especially in this metalcore, right? Bring Me The Horizon?



If someone has been able to renew the sound and image of blackened death metal, that has been Nergal. The leader of Behemoth He put the letter on the table and managed to make his band go from being one more on the scene to being one of the most recognized, requested and expected acts within festivals today, especially after the publication of ‘The Satanist’ (2016), album that positioned them and gave them a reputation that they had not had in previous years.



Parkway drive He has known how to take advantage of the boom that the core movement has had throughout Europe and the United States, where its number of loyal followers has been constantly growing.

Founded in Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia in 2003, the band had a very fortunate debut in Mexico as part of the first edition of Domination and their current level reached them to be one of the four headliners in Wacken Open Air 2019 next to Saturday, Slayer and Demons & Wizards. Without a doubt a great year for them.

ARCH ENEMY / Canadá – Suecia


Although the career of Arch Enemy it was already more than cemented during the time of Angela Gossow, it was not until the arrival of Alissa White-Gluz that the band took on a much broader commercial notoriety and that they were awarded better places on festival posters.

Despite his latest album, ‘Will to Power’ did not have such a good reception, Arch Enemy He continues to climb places in the triples, also helped - let's be honest - by the beauty of Alissa, who herself has a fairly large legion of followers.



Five Finger Death Punch it's already big. At least in the United States, where in any festival that takes place, it has no other place on the poster than that of honor. They are the perfect archetype of gringo gang, lover of his army, arms and his country. And that is also the point that has played against them: they are TOO MANY gringos, which has made other countries not adopt them as they wanted.

Sin embargo, Ivan Moody y sus compañeros siguen cosechando cada vez más éxitos y si siguen por ese camino llegará el momento en que su extremo nacionalismo no importará. Ya veremos…



Simplemente la banda de metalcore – aunque su sonido ha variado bastante – más famosa del mundo. Al igual que Five Finger Death Punch, they are a fairly established band in the United States, but with the great advantage that people do not perceive them as rednecks. The band led by M. Shadows has not released an album since 2016; however, their place of privilege remains secure, at least for now.

Despite having an army of haters as numerous as its fans, avenged sevenfold He has known how to position himself over a 20-year career, having large print at festivals such as Download, Rock fest or Carolina Rebellion.



Vikings already controlled the known world once and want to do it again through the powerful roars of Johan Hegg. Founded in 1992 in Tomb, Sweden, Amon Amarth It is perhaps the most important melodic death band in the world and has been able to capitalize on it by increasing its number of followers.

Con su nuevo álbum ‘Berserker‘ (2019) la atención hacia la banda ha aumentado todavía más, por lo que no nos sorprendería nada verlos hasta arriba en los carteles de todos los festivales del mundo en los próximos años. Por ahora, ya están anunciados como una de las bandas principales de Wacken Open Air 2020 next to Judas PriestWhich is an excellent sign.