In the Ce.Cu.Co. from San Juan del Rio, Querétaro the first festival was held Trangressive, which was catapulted as a new option in this edition bringing a select poster of great exponents of the punk and its variants, both local and from Spain.

Attendance was very good and from early on people came to enjoy the act of projects like The Koartadas and One less, and then give way to Konflicto de Libertad, who with their customary power and popular communion managed to unleash the first great circles of slam at night both with their own themes and doing cover of bands like La Polla Records. After them we would receive Vantroi, a whole Mexican institution of the punk that with his two and a half decades of life, he would put the colored crests and the jackets with robes to run and sing. Then the time would come to welcome the first Spanish band of the night, and the whistles and compliments do not wait when Brutu´s Daughters take the stage. And it is that the beauty mixed with the power of Ainhoa, Rebe and Lorena in the voice, drums and violin respectively conjugated with all the power of the other musicians including the delirious bagpipe of Xipla; they were a feast that flooded Street Folk the venue, with one of the best responses from people at the event. Always with dedications such as for the disappeared women in Mexico and Spain, Brutu´s Daughters they stole the applause and hearts of all the people.

The most nostalgic moment of the night of course would be the farewell to national lands of Konsumo Respect. And it is that since the festival announced this would be their last show in Mexico, people went out of their way for them. Since the beginning of his setlist and until the end, the fans overflowed with jumps, screams and tears seeking to take the last piece of the band. "A pair of wings", "Equally Crazy", "A Bad Day" and "War Wound" it was just some of the themes that drove people crazy while George He was jumping microphone in hand from one side to the other. The delivery was such that Datan He ended up playing the bagpipes standing on the barrier near his fans, in what was undoubtedly the golden postcard for this farewell.

Pese a que hubo muchas personas que se fueron tras la actuación de Konsumo Respect, hubo todavía un gran aforo que se quedó para recibir toda la violencia de Kaos Urbano. Debemos admitir que ellos fueron los que desataron en slam más aguerrido y malicioso de toda la noche con sus canciones veloces y sin tapujos. Su presentación tuvo grandes momentos como cuando el pequeño Santi (un niño de si acaso unos 5 años de edad) fue invitado a cantar "Wild Years", o bien el tremendo pigeon next to Brutu´s Daughters interpreting "Watch out" original from Eskorbuto. Con un cierre poderoso con temas como "Piñas Van" and "Up in arms" Kaos Urbano se despide dejando un ambiente lleno de sudor, adrenalina y hay que decirlo: olor a solventes por parte de la gente.

Already after 1 am and with people tired but willing to wait for the main course, the parquet floor dresses up to receive Repeat offenders. "Let's go to Hell", "I hate" and "Rage"Are the first three songs to be played, and although people no longer have the same verve as the hour and the beer have already wreaked havoc; it's all applause when each song ends. "Terrorism", "Latin America" and the bellicose march of "The Republican" are present while Fernando At the microphone he promises that it will not take another 16 years for them to return. "Rip-Rap"And his mockery of religion seem to reopen the slam, but an outburst of anger puts dust to the spirits and again people prefer and better to enjoy glass in hand the presentation. This is how the dawn progresses and with a large selection of topics that included "Run", "Two Colleagues", "No React" and "Hurricane" among many others, Repeat offenders says goodbye and people are preparing to leave with a white balance.
This is how this first edition of the festival ended Transgressive, which made clear there is a great punk scene in Querétaro complemented by people who even traveled on excursions from other states; who is eager for events like this, with big bands. Aspects like the audio or not finishing so late should be re-evaluated but the truth is that the event fulfilled, and we are already expecting caps for the second version next year. [penci_review]