Austin Carlile, ex-vocalist of Of Mice & Men She has finally reacted to the rape allegations launched by a group of women, who say they were abused by the singer during his time with the band, taking advantage of his position.
Carlile ha lanzado un comunicado en el que sostiene que ha pesar de “no haber sido la mejor persona” tampoco es culpable de ningún abuso contra ninguna persona.
“En mis años más jóvenes, no era la mejor persona, pero nunca he abusado físicamente, aprovechado, forzado o drogado a ninguna mujer. Estas acusaciones son falsas y difamatorias.
No soy una persona perfecta: fumaba marihuana a diario, bebía a menudo, me peleaba y actuaba como un imbécil más veces de las que pudiera contar. Hice cosas y actué de maneras de las que no estoy orgulloso, pero nunca violé a nadie. Estas ‘acusaciones’ lanzadas en las redes sociales, en el clima actual de ‘la cultura de la cancelación, son extremadamente atroces y carecen de mérito.
My wife is a survivor of sexual abuse and rape and I have personally seen the deep pain and struggle she has had to endure every day. I have spent years giving my meat to God, allowing Him to constantly improve who I am as a man, husband and father. Over the past week, I even had the joy of seeing my new son's heartbeat for the first time. Today, I am focused on supporting my pregnant wife, our daughter, this new blessing in our lives, my health, my wife's health and the effort to be a better person every day.
These allegations have been investigated by the appropriate authorities, as well as by independent journalists, and were found to be unfounded. I apologize to the Marfan Foundation, my former bandmates and any of our dedicated fans who have been unfairly involved in this controversy and I wish everyone nothing less than the best.
Todas las mujeres merecen sentirse seguras, apoyadas y escuchadas, pero estos ataques injustos a mi familia y las acusaciones en mi contra son solo viejas acusaciones sin ningún fundamento.”