AJP5373 scaled

Hallelujah! Stryper finally brings his light to Mexico

The miracle happened! And it is that despite being a large band and with a considerable number of fans around the world and specifically in Mexico, Stryper It was one of the groups that had never been able to give a show in our country for various reasons. Mysterious are the times of the Lord without a doubt, but they say that in the end God will always provide; so it was.


It's Thursday and the Blackberry Auditorium It is filling the same metalheads as people still in office suits. The same of people who show themselves profess the Christian religion, as of young people in vests that adorn with patches of bands that adore the demonic competition. But they all have in common the laughter generated by the request in the local sound that they please do not jump so as not to damage the structures surrounding the forum (hurt by the recent earthquakes). A barrier divides attendees VIP of those who are in the general area, and still with a capacity of half gas in all sections, the show begins with the performance of Rabietta from Monterrey. After a false start, the royals seek to go public with their irreverence and the impudence of their displaced vocalist Czar González, that although at first it seemed it would not be well received (the screams of Stryper !, Srryper! they seemed to threaten to interrupt him), he gradually gets in tune with people. "Doesn't anyone bring a touch here?" the singer asks, to which a fan replies no, that Jesus is his only drug. This is an example of the comical communion that occurred between Rabietta and the people while you have a tremendous 90s rock smell like "The Animal", "The Honey Of Life" and "The Bronze Race" sound. With everything and a visible antler on the head, Czar He closes the presentation with an anecdote of when they took 26,000 pesos from him and his friend for drinking on public roads; before interpreting as farewell "Alcohol / No Law". Rabietta he says goodbye to an audience divided between those who had fun and took the playful concept of the band with pleasure, and between the sighs of relief of those who did not get along with them and were already urged to jump on stage the star band.


Waiting to see Stryper empieza a alargarse mientras el sonido ambiental trata de mantener a la gente entretenida con temas de Iron Maiden, AC/DC and other bands of hard rock and heavy metal: ya esperamos casi cuatro décadas, unos cuantos minutos más no son nada. Finalmente las luces se apagan y uno a uno los músicos toman su lugar, y los coros celestiales que anteceden a "Yahweh" anuncian que por fin ha llegado el momento religioso del debut de la banda en México. Stryper viene dispuesto a corresponder a la gente con lo mejor de su repertorio y es así que escuchamos de jalón “The Valley”, “Sorry” y “Loud ´N´ Clear”. “Llevábamos 36 años queriendo venir y finalmente se logró; estamos muy contentos por ello. Vamos a llevarlos hacía el 86 cuando usábamos ropa entallada y el cabello enorme esponjado” comments excited Michael Sweet to the microphone before "Calling On You", theme that all people receive with joy. Stryper comienza a lanzar sus tradicionales copias del nuevo testamento con el logo de la banda grabado en la portada, y la velada continua con "Free" and "More Than A Man", with Robert Sweet tocando la batería de lado y no de frente, en lo que sin duda es uno de los sellos específicos de la banda.


“Whenever we wanted to come something happened that did not allow it, and now finally we are here giving three shows in this country; God bless Mexico! ” thanks Michael Sweet, and then announce a song that they played when they were just young, and give us "Loving You". The concert continues with the performance of "Surrender", not without first seeing how the musicians were surprised with the power with which the cry of "Oe oe oe, oe oe..Stryper, Stryper" rumbles throughout the auditorium. After that, one of the most emotional moments of the show would come when the group mentions Roberto Corzo, a terminal fan who attended bedridden, and whose last wish was to attend a Stryper; the band pays tribute to him before Honestly and its tune of power ballad that literally tears tears from people.


And it is that the beautiful thing about the shows in which a long-standing band visits for the first time, is to see how the people who have been waiting for them all their lives dissolve into screaming, jumping and crying when years and years of waiting culminate in having finally his live band out front. Young children, elderly men and even fans in wheelchairs; everyone enjoys what a blessing it is to listen to songs like cover of "All She Wrote" of Firehouse (where Stryper take the opportunity to introduce one to one to the members of the band), "In God We Trust" "Always There For You" and "All For One", where Michael Sweet It shows off with a previous guitar solo that to everyone seems of course divine. Calling all your soldiers to the rhythm of "Soldiers Under Command", Stryper leaves the stage momentarily.


The characteristic yellow and black tones of the group in clothes and instruments make their return to the stage to the rhythm of "Sing-Along Song", and it is here where people have the chance to raise their arms and clap with devotion knowing that the show is about to end. But of course we couldn't leave without sending the devil to the devil; and with "To Hell With The Devil" it is sentenced that the night today belongs to the hosts of heaven. This is how the glorious debut of Stryper In Mexico it comes to an end, but the band promises that they will visit us again soon. So be it. Amen.

All photos by Antonio Ramírez [penci_review]