Acherontas and his Sunday mass of Greek demons.


It is Sunday afternoon, the day par excellence for those who like to go to church to thank the Lord for the blessings of the week and for one more day of light. But since the day has a counterweight at night, there is also a corner of the city where the same Sunday is painted black, and offers a space where lovers of black metal they come together to worship or simply enjoy while apologizing to the dark arts of a great show, with Acherontas from Greece as the main guest.

We are lining up to enter and the winds blow strongly as a short but aggressive rain is present: perhaps God showing his disagreement; perhaps Satan your approval. When we finally get in we are greeted by Dictum, a band of black metal pure and old school that spares nothing in terms of presence and IMG 5622sound. A pair of huge inverted crosses flank the stage at the sides while from the vocals of its imposing singer we listen to songs like “Enlightenme”, “Purulent Gods” y “Eternity Is Now”. The band, which has already opened shows from other established genres such as Taake and Tormentor, had a great reception, even with some slam on the track with its powerful sound and the theatricality of its image and details; and she was fired amid applause closing her presentation with I will drink the oceans”, “Consecration” y “Eternal night will be again”. His first full-length album will be released this year, via Dementum Records. After them we received one more national proposal, from the hand of In Obscurity Revealed. For their part, these capitals are already a much more active band, even with various dates in Europe already scheduled. Their style is undoubtedly much more aggressive and fast and despite their young image they gave a chair of great sound and power, leaving everything ready for the star band of the night.

Preparations begin to receive Acherontas, but again God seems to try to impede the ritual at all costs. And we do not know if the Greek band does not know how to convey their needs to the contracted technical team or if it is the staff members who cannot cope with the demands of the Greeks; but the truth is that we are standing on the track for a long time seeing frustration, bad faces and satiety on one side and the other; and the sound seems nothing else not to be optimal according to the standards of the band. Fortunately and after a while that seemed like an eternity, the Devil wins once again and Acherontas It comes out now if ready to start the black ritual.

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Already dressed in their characteristic black paleacates that hide their faces, revealing only their bald heads, Acherontas makes his appearance with the intro  “Voluntas Supra Materiam (Vocatio Prima)”. “Amenti-The Lamp Ov The Desert” he immediately puts the horned hands of those who meet on high, and the howls and grunts of his possessed fans complete the infernal sonorous coven. While the black metal the aggressive instincts of some followers are heard and they begin to push against each other at the front of the track, warming up a bit more, and sorcery and black arts are invoked with the execution of “Sorcery and the Apeiron” and “Conjuration of the Five Negatives”. The picture of Acherontas IMG 5715breaks with the stereotype of black metal traditional of white faces with black symbols, and instead see themselves as terrorists of some fanatic cell of some dark cult; with her bandanas sinisterly covering her face as “Legacy of Tiamat” and “Blood Current Illumination” they delight in demons hungry for good metal.

The night progresses and the Eucharist is about to end, and although it is time for Acherontas Discreetly complaining about the sound and asking for more volume, the time has come to close the mass. First with “Wampyric Metamorphosis" and "The Horned Moon” (temas originales de Stutthof) and after a brief pause touch “Ma-Ion (Formulas Of Reptilian Unification)”, the Greeks now give if they close their black homily, leaving all attendees ready to go to rest in peace. Outside, the rain has not ceased, perhaps as a symbol of the tears of heaven that, even with all its rugged attempts, could not make the ritual of Acherontas He will take several souls with him that night.

All photos by Alfredo ALV

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Invocando a los seres infernales al ritmo de black metal
Acherontas cumplió su visita a la Ciudad de México en una noche que accidentada y todo, complació a los amantes del black metal más puro y en su forma más básica.