Virgin Money Unity Arena Newcastle

England builds the first venue for concerts with social distancing

Changes in the dynamics of mass events and the music industry go a long way. According to information from Kerrang!At the moment, the first venue is being built equipped to carry out events with social distancing. Ready for concerts with "Susana Distance“?

The Virgin Money Unity Arena It will be located in Newcastle, will have a capacity for only 2,500 people and it is expected that the first "high profile" artists will be announced next Tuesday, July 7th. The effort will be carried out by a collaboration between Virgin money and the developer SSD Concerts.

Within the restrictions that you can find within the place, there will be a minimum distance of 2 meters between each person and you can only enter the place by car. In addition, it will have a “one-way” restroom system, hand sanitizer outside each cubicle and everyone must wear a mask the entire time of the show.

"All of our scheduled concerts were postponed to later in the year and all venues in the city closed, but the SSD staff was willing to continue." says the developer's director, Steve Davis. "Working with our new partner, Virgin Money, has been exciting and we believe that even in these difficult times, people will go out by the thousands to see the artists they love."