The Charm The Fury It is a Dutch band that in just under a decade of existence and only two albums under its belt, has managed to position itself impressively in the tastes of metal lovers, especially those close to Nü Metal and core, which It has been valid to cross the pond and appear in Mexico for the first time within the framework of Corona Hell And Heaven 2018.
The shrill voice of Caroline Westendorp is in charge of giving life and personality to The Charm The Fury, and we had the opportunity to talk to her by phone from Amsterdam to talk about the scene, her new album 'The Sick, Dumb & Happy' in addition to his imminent arrival in Aztec lands.
You have two studio albums so far and four years away from each other "A shade for my former self" and "The sick, dumb & Happy". Some people might say that this is a long time, that the music has an expiration date and you must stay active to achieve some kind of success, do you agree with it?
Sorry I could not hear well, do you mean that the music has an expiration date or as a band would have an expiration date and that they have to release new songs soon?
Something like that, some say that if a band wants to prevail in these times, they have to keep composing ... releasing two albums per year
Well, we really don't want to take another 4 years for the next album, so we took it there with that time. There are currently so many bands out there that you can't afford to be off the radar for long. People will forget about you very soon, because there are so many options ... I think it is important to stay active, to get new things out.
At the same time, I also think that should not affect the composition process. Well, you should take enough time to create a song, because when you do it very quickly, the theme does not go as well as when you give yourself the right time to finish it. But for now, we are already in the process of composing the next album, so we won't be back for four years.
I met The Charm The Fury through Spotify. Streaming platforms completely changed the music industry, do you think they are a balanced way for growing bands?
I think there are good things and bad things in terms of streaming services. The bad point is that as an artist you don't get royalty earnings, you get like .001 cents for each reproduction and it makes it more difficult for bands to make it work. But on the other hand, anyone can listen to your band, so they can include you in a metal playlist that is very popular, and you have this platform that channels people from all over the world. It is a great tool for people to get to know you, but if it has its bad sides ...
"Anyone can advertise their own band online and that makes it more difficult to make a difference with others and that did not exist in the days of Metallica ..."
Some people still don't know how long it takes to make a new album. Effort, time and how much work it costs to get benefit from it. But you can make it up ... you know, they met you there and eventually someone from them will go to one of your shows, I think that's how you can get something good out of that side.
Yes, for example, merchandise is probably the most profitable thing in a band. When you buy a t-shirt, it goes directly to the bags of the band members, not like with the CD's that you only get a percentage because the rest goes to the record company and also to the live shows, many of the percentages are going to the Booking agentsSo merchandise is the best way to earn a musician.
Is it possible in these times that other bands as big as Metallica or Iron Maiden arise?
That is a good question. We aim for world domination. We hope to be as big as a Metallica, but I think online and that people can find so many bands from so many parts of the world, which has improved competition. There are so many options. Anyone can advertise their own band online and that makes it more difficult to make a difference with others and that did not exist in the days of Metallica ...
It is a very difficult question! I'm not sure. It's funny because for our first album we were very influenced by metalcore bands, but then we had to change because times and circumstances made us evolve. Metallica made songs that are time-tested and currently I don't see any band that could be as big as them or like Pantera… that despite the internet and all that, they are still the most important bands.
I think the internet is a very good tool, but we are abusing it, so, we take some negative points, for example: I have a band, they released a CD and the first thing that some will say is "this sounds like that" "this it's not original, I don't like this ”and for me it's like at least listen to it! Please listen to the entire album, not just one song, or 30 seconds, and they skip by very quickly, and all your work and dedication is left behind.
Because you mean there are so many things to choose from that people get bored easily, "Oh I don't like the next one, next album?" Do you think that's the point
Well, it may be that they are bored or do not know what it means to be there, there is a lack of feeling, of appreciation. Well I think it's part of that ...
I was reading your lyrics, particularly from "The Sick, Dumb & Happy"I must tell you that I really liked them ...
Thank you!
Have you ever considered writing something like a book, something different than what you do with The Charm The Fury?
In fact it is funny, because I also work as a journalist, and I write articles for all my magazines, but that is something very different, in fact I have never written anything other than lyrics, because I used to play the guitar because I just got bored of it and started to sing…
... Poetry, I had never thought of that. Curious that you ask it because I was talking about it with a friend of mine, because I am becoming more and more interested in poetry. I recently wrote a couple of poems and he said "You hit the nail on the head." I didn't know that those kinds of words could make you so sentimental. I started delving into poetry just over a week ago and now it's like "Oh, my God! I need to write more. ”
Changing the subject, something that has made a lot of noise recently, is sexual harassment in the mainstream media, have you heard about it?
What do you think about all the scandals that have come to light lately?
Sex is something that is everywhere, even in the metal industry. We get a lot of negative comments because it is a girl who heads the band, so people say things like "They are doing well because they have a girl, because they have breasts" and they don't look at your skills. It is a very common thing and it happens anywhere, that people treat you differently because you are a woman really impacts me, but it personally makes me work harder to be a great vocalist. Said "To hell with them"I will show what I can do and be as good as I can be. But at the same time, I also think that people are overestimating this topic, turning it into a mere show and dramatizing too much and we got to a point where they just want to attract attention, you know? Shut up now, that's the way it is! I have also been treated negatively because I am a woman in a metal band but that is not why I am going to look for drama. Being treated like this will only cause me to work harder and seek to be the best version of myself.
I am a bit divided, because I do feel alluded to but I am also "Stop paying attention to that shit" just work harder for what you want.
"Listening to other things besides metal helps you expand your mind and create something totally new ..."
What subgenres of metal do you think best represent? Thrash Metal, Metal Core, Nu Metal ...
What metal do I like the most and influence me the most? Well I like southern metal, thrash metalcore, they are the ones that I like the most. I really like bands like Underoath, He is Legend, and Everytime I die, especially Underoath, because Chamberline is my biggest inspiration to be in this band. There are few female vocalists in metal but you don't have any girl in that southern metalcore like Underoath so it's because of her that I dared to get into this, it's one of my biggest inspirations but I do listen to Pantera, Metallica, Korn, Limp Bizkit all great metal bands too.
Do you hear other things besides metal?
Oh my I listen a lot, actually I think I hear a lot more things outside the spectrum of metal. I listen to hip hop a lot, I also listen to country and folk music.
I think it's great!
Really? Because not many are fans!
If you just keep listening to metal, eventually you won't do anything relevant. So you have to admire other things and it helps you to stand out, to make a difference.
Yes, sometimes I get out of metal and learn something completely new, because it gives you new ideas and changes your perspective on what you can do and what you want to do. So it's great and important that you really like listening to other things, it helps you expand your mind and create something totally new.
If you had to start a new band, and could muster musicians you admire, who would they be?
Nita Strauss, is a friend of mine, plays the guitar with Alice Copper. For drums, I'd say Aaron Gillespie of Underoath because he really is beastly. As a guitarist… oh my gosh! the one from Every Time I Die, has great riffs, what was his name?
Those are good choices ...
Jordan Buckley! But then he is now a fighter or something like that. Oh no! it's the other, Andy Williams, now he's become a WWE wrestler…
Do you know some bassists, which would you choose?
Well, I would take Fieldy of course, Fieldy from Korn would look great. Yes, let's go with the Korn one because it has great dreads!
And he likes hip-hop like you ...
Yes, he likes it, he actually put out an album, if I'm not mistaken, he made a recording, some hip hop, a while back.
Then we will hire you!
You will be here in Mexico, in the most important metal festival in Latin America, Corona Hell and Heaven. Why can't we miss the show The Charm The Fury?
I think our live show is a great metal show, it hits you right in the face. The Charm The Fury is more of a live band, not so much studio. We tend to be very energetic, we kick your ass and we do our best, just like our biggest inspirations would, like Pantera or Metallica. So you better come with us, shake your head and end up like "Hey, what the hell just happened ?!"
[alert type = white] Interview by Rick Aguilar exclusively for Summa Inferno. [/ alert]