DEPECHE MODE confirms its return to Mexico!

What was already known was confirmed today. Depeche Mode will be back in Mexico on March 11, 2018, as part of the tour promoting his latest album, ‘Spirit’ released just a few days ago. In addition to Mexico, the band will visit Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.

The pre-sale of tickets will be on March 28 and 29 through Ticketmaster exclusively for Citibanamex customers.


[cbtabs][cbtab title=”PRECIOS: “][/cbtab][/cbtabs]

  • Track A (general entry): $1,650
  • Track B (general ticket): $750
  • Orange A: $2,200
  • Green A: $1500
  • Orange B: $1,100
  • Green B: $850
  • Orange C: $550
  • Green C: $400


“Estamos muy emocionados de regresar a Latinoamérica”, says the vocalist Dave Gahan. “No pudimos ver a nuestros fans en la última gira, así que sabíamos que teníamos que visitarlos esta vez”. The last time Depeche Mode set foot in the region was in 2009.