Founded in 2001, Asturians from Warcry They have become a benchmark in the world of Spanish Metal and this time, SUMMA Inferno had the pleasure of having an extensive talk with the band, who told us about their new badge, “Inmortal” that went on sale a few weeks ago in his presentation at the Festival “Leyendas del Rock”, his way of working, his opinion on politics and even on soccer.
– 8 discs in practically little more than a decade. Inspiration shows when they compose. How do they manage to generate so much material and so good in a relatively short time compared to other bands?
El tema de la inspiración es un proceso que es difícilmente mensurable y mucho menos panificable, por lo menos en nuestro caso. Pueden surgir muchas ideas en un plazo pequeño de tiempo o estar meses sin que surja una, lo que sí es cierto es que hemos aprendido a localizar las ideas por las que merece la pena trabajar y eso hace que no nos presentemos a grabar con veinte canciones si no con diez y un par de reservas por si en el momento de la grabación no conseguimos sacarle todo el partido a alguna de las diez “titulares”
– And also composing in Spanish, without doubling down on singing in English to make your way more easily in the industry. How important is this to you?
During the first years we thought about making a record in English to test, but time was passing and we were focused on the project in Spanish. Now we are clear who we are and what we do, doing it in English would not be the same apart from thinking that singing in Spanish is possible to succeed in Europe as other groups do in their languages, like some Germans for example.
– Centrándonos en su reciente placa “Inmortal”, ¿Cual fue el verdadero motivo de grabarlo en un país y luego enviarlo a mezclar y masterizar a otro?
Muy simple. Lo primero, confiamos en nuestro productor y él tiene su estudio en España a menos de cinco kilómetros de donde viven la mayoría de los miembros de Warcry, eso facilita desplazamiento y trabajas sin estar lejos de familia, amigos, etc… es muy buen ambiente.
Segundo, el proceso de mezcla sobre todo y mastering es mucho más particular y Dani Sevillano -nuestro productor- quería probar a hacerlo con alguien que no hubiera participado de tantas horas de grabación y le diera un “vistazo” más fresco.
Third, we looked for where it could be done better and decided that Finnvox (Finland) have worked with many bands of our style with very good results, so both the producer and I went to Helsinki for fifteen days to attend, listen and rectify small mix changes.
– “Inmortal” es un disco increíble, practicamente no nos da descanso ni tiene bajones de ritmo, ¡es todo velocidad y poder épicos!. ¿ Ese fue el plan inicial desde el principio?
One of the processes that we take the most care of and to which perhaps not much merit is given to the choice of order of topics. With this you can get many different sensations, by putting the theme softer for the end there is no cut in the middle as it usually happens in most albums that gives a feeling of more continuity, but frankly I think it is not an album especially fast.
Respecto a el por qué, no lo sé , no ha habido grandes cambios digamos que salió así, se que pierde “glamour” decir esto pero no había una dirección a la que seguir, casi nunca la hay por eso tenemos tantos matices de tantas influencias.
– Platícanos: ¿Cómo surgió la idea de poner al alcance de los fans por primera vez el material (“Inmortal”) en el festival “Leyendas del Rock”?
It is a festival that was born as a purely national one that has supported many bands for years, including ours. We knew that this year with the incorporation of important European bands it would be a great showcase for the media and at the same time we had a small gesture of thanks to a festival that has always counted on us from the first year.
– Cuando la gente piensa en Warcry de inmediato piensa en Power Metal ¿Les molesta ser encasillados en un subgénero del metal de manera tan tajante?
Creo que la gente intenta siempre simplificar las cosas. Yo personalmente y aún a sabiendas de que sí es una influencia en nuestra música, no me siento como parte de una banda de “Power Metal”.
What happens is that they put that label on us and it lasts, if tomorrow we made a salsa album some media or fan would say “La banda de power metal Warcry edita un disco de salsa”.
– Haciendo un poco de historia, ya tienen en su haber 2 materiales en vivo. ¿Qué tan importante es para Warcry sus shows en vivo?
There are bands that alternate one or two discs with live recordings, we think that the term has to be longer because it gives a kind of perspective of the band over time and if it is very close, the change and evolution are not so appreciated.
The first DVD is from 2006 when the band was in a great moment after our fourth album and we wanted all this to be seen in a live so that all those who had not seen the band or those who could not attend a concert had a chance to see it.
The last, “Omega” The 2012 coincides with another great moment of a band modified since 2008 in a 50% with new musicians and another degree of growth at the public level, not only in Spain but with visits to various Latin American countries and today is the maximum Warcry expression on a production level stage. Normally live recordings try to catch a bit of the magic of the moment but clearly to live it “in situ” it is still far above.
– Warcry se ha posicionado como un proyecto de culto y sostenido por un grueso de fans muy fieles, ya no es solo “La banda de los ex Avalanch” and that is a burden that not all ex-members of any band can presume to have managed to avoid. How does a band grow without the shadow of its original band on top?
I think it is very simple, we showed in a very short time that we were not a new version of Avalanch if not a totally different group.
Although we maintained a common origin, we went through other branches different from those of Avalanch, then, the years and the discs have separated us more and more, for which we had very little in common, now with the disappearance of Avalanch It is only an anecdote, although I am very happy with the years I spent there and it was very important to my musical growth.
- From Mexico and many other countries surely, the perception has been that the economic crisis in many European countries, including Spain, has been very harsh and has seriously impacted its inhabitants. How do you perceive the situation, having it first hand?
Very simple, the crisis has been caused by an error in the system.
Unfortunately, I think that we are trying to get out of it without changing the system, but by restructuring the smallest levels, workers, small companies, people in general, but maintaining all the great systems that have led us to this, the stock market, banks, political systems, etc. etc.
With respect to “golpe” to society, Spain has about five million unemployed (unemployed) an unemployment rate of 26%, which together with Greece is the highest in the CEE (European Economic Community) doubling the followers and very far from the 5.4% in Germany a country that doubles us in number of inhabitants.
In Spain you pay for everything, gasoline, alcohol, tobacco or cars have a high penalty for taxes. Then there are the discounts on payroll and the VAT (Value Added Tax) that is in a 21% of the value of the product, so that we understand EVERYTHING that is sold or bought in Spain that 21% must pay. If something costs 100 units you must pay 121.
En España se recauda mucho por parte del Estado, pero el derroche, el robo y la mala gestión han llevado a una perdida enorme de dinero que los bancos se apresuraron a cubrir y por lo cual ahora tienen “la sartén por el mango”.
El pueblo ha reducido sus gastos y en muchos sitios hay graves problemas de subsistencia, el Estado ha reducido la inversión en sanidad y medicamentos y por primera vez en nuestra historia la tasa de mortalidad supera a la de nacimientos. La clase política no ha querido o no ha sabido lidiar con el problema y ahora, quitando sus seguidores acérrimos, casi nadie los respeta, no hay más movilizaciones por que el “Estado de Bienestar”, los años buenos que hemos pasado nos han hecho replantearnos las acciones y tenemos más miedo a perder lo que nos queda que a luchar por lo que nos están quitando. Podría estar escribiendo sin parar, pero bueno esto es “a grosso modo” the situation.
– Hablando un poco mas de España, y como cosas que rara vez se
preguntan en una entrevista con grupos de metal pero que son curiosidades
que a los fans le llaman la atención ¿Les gusta el futbol? Su selección ha tenido un ascenso meteórico en los ultimos años…
Se decía antiguamente en la antigua Roma “Para el pueblo Pan y Juegos” since through games and while they had something to eat the town remained calm.
When the National Team plays, a controversial law is almost always approved since the vast majority of Spaniards are glued to the television.
Regarding soccer (sorry I was still upset from the previous question) We like it, some of us have practiced it in small categories and for example in the group there are followers of Barcelona and Real Madrid but without being fans.
La Selección Española se ha visto beneficiada de la aparición de jugadores extraordinarios muchos ellos del Barcelona, equipo que lleva unos años ganándolo casi todo en Europa. Se ha creado un estilo que es el del control del balón y la suerte que se nos había negado durante años parece que acompaña. Pero esto son modas y épocas, en el momento que ciertos jugadores desaparezcan otro país surgirá así lleva siendo desde siempre, Holanda, Alemania, Inglaterra, Argentina, Brasil etc,etc… quizás es el momento de México, quién sabe.
– Ahhh…Si. Retomando el tema de México. Es genial e impresionante el numero de fans que poseen en estas tierras ¿Hay alguna anécdota o experiencia que nos quieran comentar en alguna visita a nuestro país?
There are many! The first time I visited the country, I was very impressed by the education and treatment. In Spain being a musician and more of heavy is like being a dangerous drug addict, scenes like Santi Novoa playing the piano in a hotel in DF would be unthinkable in any Hotel in Spain.
En México decir que eres músico es como decir que eres arquitecto, realmente es muy gratificante y te hace sentir “respetado” y estoy hablando fuera del ambiente heavy. Dentro de ese ambiente se ve un calor increíble por parte del público y un cariño inmenso, siempre he considerado que Warcry no debía ser solo una banda, somos cinco amigos que nos entregamos a todos los niveles dentro y fuera del escenario por la bandera de Warcry por un sentimiento o por una forma de hacer las cosas, y eso, cierto público lo ve y lo nota, por eso los conciertos de Warcry son una fiesta por que a través de la música derrochamos pasión y energía y un público apasionado como lo es el Mexicano lo nota y lo vive con nosotros.
– Ya para despedir la entrevista: ¿Algún mensaje que quieran dejar a sus fans mexicanos?
First congratulate you for this interview because the variety in questions is appreciated and even leaving us out of the musical themes, so that even if it is in writing we can have an entertaining talk.
To all our Mexican followers send a hug and tell them that they already know that we will return, we do not want to be the neighbor that you have at all times at home and that is why we let some time pass between visit and visit but we know where we are loved and it is clear that soon we will visit them.
- Warcry Official site
- Warcry on Facebook
- Warcry on Twitter