Photos by Paco Pérez

A piece of hell courtesy of Destroyer 666


Destroyer 666 He returned to CDMX with an overwhelming concert at the Bolivar Room, which he turned into a piece of hell where his faithful fans delighted in the bestial presentation of the Australians on the stage.

It is Thursday and despite being a working day, people are giving themselves a good date little by little in the venue to enjoy from the first bands, before a stage that already awaits its parishioners adorned with cobwebs and human skulls on the speakers. Hell Desecrator Since Querétaro it is the band in charge of opening the night. A proposal of black metal very young but out of the ordinary, with its 3 strings playing in front of its drummer / singer, and a well-crafted and powerful sound. Songs like "Evil Conjuration", "Unholy Blasphemy ”and“Bestial Sacrifice ” are applauded by people who recognize his talent, until with Desecrator They end their presentation: highly recommended band. Ex-Inferiis is the next band of the night, 43739997 1094653094029401 2599618892519178240 nwho with a more aggressive proposal visually and soundly also win over the already large audience of the forum, although the cavernous echo effect that the microphone has is somewhat exaggerated and does not even allow us to understand what the band talks between songs. Good proposal and with great sound, although we consider its vocalist should improve more in his treble, making them more worked and less out of tune.


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The moment of the main course has arrived and Destroyer 666 positions himself on stage and opens with power with "A Breed Apart" from his EP "Terror Abraxas" released in 2003. Immediately everyone applauds the band but especially the figure of KK Warslut, Original member and only current founder in the infernal destroyer, who wearing a huge tattoo and a lanky beard and hair is a real monster with a scratchy voice at the command of the microphone. However, it should be mentioned the fact that at the end of the song and annoyed by the flash, the bassist Felipe Plaza without further ado, he approached and kicked the phone at a fan, which at the moment has been applauded by many and criticized by others. Wildfire The following is a powerful theme, and in fact one would expect to unleash the slam to everything it gives. However, today is one of those nights when fans seem to prefer to stand up and move their hair instead of indulging in extreme dances, so it is the sea of long manes waving from one end to the other that adorns this great song. "Sons Of Perditions" For its part, it is another merciless ear drill that does not stop making howls among the attendees.

44878566 498897307259406 7097800818077728768 nAn extensive and slow instrumental entrance makes its appearance, and little by little it accelerates until when we already realized that slight sonorous breeze has become the entire bestial sounding hurricane called “I Am the Wargod (Ode to the Battle Slain)Warslut He asks for a little more volume in his microphone because he wants his voice to boom throughout the forum, while the other musicians are a drop off, tearing the strings and beating the drums of their instruments to the rhythm of "Live and Burn", who with his machine gun way of repeating the last word of the title during the literal choir sets fire to the throats of the fans. "Genesis To Genocide" and Australian To Antichrist they keep the flame of blasphemy and power more than lit upstairs.

On the track some fans try to start a moshpit on topics like "Satan's Hell", but their attempts are frustrated again by the mass of people who at every opportunity remain immovable and close the circle again, preventing the pogo of the rude Even so, a couple of fans do not stop looking to open the hole and whip from one side to the other, until they get tired of looking foolish before the reluctance of the vast majority. In fact, adrenaline turns into religious attention when Trial By Fire, which is undoubtedly one of the most melodic and profound themes of Destroyer 666, is executed. "Black City-Black Fire" and the swift and heretic Satanic Speed Metal They put the accelerator back on the evening with everything and that at times the main microphone stops listening; and finally "Lone Wolf Winter", which is perfect with the huge blanket with the face of a hellish wolf that adorns the stage, ends the presentation. Or at least that seems when the lights come on and the music of the place plays, but it turns out that in the end the Australians decide to return and again we enter the concert environment.

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After playing one more song which is applauded by everyone, Destroyer 666 he is ready to say goodbye but he wants to do it through the big door and for that, what better than cover to a true giant. It is thus that the iron fist of "Iron Fist", original of course Motörheadends up going crazy the Bolívar Room up and down the stage. It is time now if to leave and the Australians thank the people for their assistance by retiring quickly; after having set the place on fire with its scorching show.

Total destruction on stage
Destroyer 666 crushed our ears with a massacring presentation, where he delighted us with his best songs and a supreme attitude.