The name of Timo Kotipelto It is a must for anyone who deigns to be a fan of Power Metal worldwide. The Finnish singer has not only achieved success and fame as the leader of Stratvarius, but has collaborated with an infinity of projects like Gamma Ray, Sonata Artica, Amberian Dawn or Ayreon that have earned him a special position on the scene and the title of The Voice of Finland.
Kotipelto he will return to our country with his compatriot Jani Liimatainen as an acoustic duo called Blackoustic, hoping to surprise their fans and give them a new facet within their extensive musical career.
You are about to turn 50 years old. Have you achieved everything you set out to do in life and are you happy with it?
Ufffff! Well, I've been singing professionally for just over twenty years. And so far I'm super happy with that, you know? Even though I didn't think this would be what I would do when I was a teenager.
Pero si te soy sincero… No, no he alcanzado todas mis metas todavía, al menos no como cantante y creo que jamás lo haré. Tal vez yo mismo me estoy poniendo la vara demasiado alta (risas). Se que puedo cantar mejor y hacer mejores canciones. No puedo decir que no estoy feliz con la dirección que ha dado mi vida. La vida es un viaje muy interesante y siempre estoy en la búsqueda de nuevos retos y nuevas aventuras que vienen con la música y el canto.
And still you are considered by many people to be the best Power Metal singer in history!
I don't think I can say that about myself, nor do I like the idea of buying from other singers. It is very difficult to decide. How to decide who is who and what place do they have in this scene? It is not as if there are clear indicators. It is much easier with athletes, there if you can see who is the best. However, I am very pleased that the fans like my way of singing.
“Ya tenemos algunas canciones listas del nuevo álbum de Stratovarius y saldrá el próximo año.”
Actualmente estás haciendo el “Blackoustic” tour. ¿En que reside la magia de lo acústico que todos quieren probarlo?
Yes, we have just started the tour. Last night was our first show in Rio de Janeiro. Fantastic! An incredible audience.
At least for me, doing an acoustic show is magical because it becomes very intimate and a powerful experience, not only for me, but for people. We are musicians who like being close to fans and we even talk to them between songs. As a singer it is a great challenge, especially compared to giving a show with an entire band. Just a guitar and two voices and still you have to capture the moment and deliver all your emotions.
Con cinco shows en nuestro país, seguramente se trata de la gira más extensa que has hecho por México…
Yes and I am very excited to have so many confirmed shows in Mexico! I have never played there so many times with Stratovarius. I am very happy to return to your country, because the fans are so great and I can't wait to hear them sing along with us.
It is impossible to resist asking yourself what status Stratovarius is in and what plans they have.
We are supposed to be writing new songs for the next album right now. Of course, I'm going to be out of the process for six weeks and that's going to slow things down a bit. We already have some songs ready but we need to write and record some more to complete the album, which I think we will release next year. We have already signed several dates at festivals and a tour for next fall.
You are a musician who has always liked collaborations, any in particular that will excite you soon?
Este año no, no hay nada. No tengo tiempo (risas). Me iré de gira con Tarja en Octubre pero nada más. Tal vez el próximo año si tengo oportunidad… Puede que el siguiente disco de Cain’s Offering llegue en ese lapso.
You are admired and respected in the music industry, who does Timo Kotipelto admire?
Definitely Ronnie James Dio. His presence on stage, his voice and the way he treats fans is something that just fills me up. I was able to meet him and see us a few times and he was great.
What does Mexico and the Mexican fans mean to you?
Mexico siempre ha sido un país que me ha tratado muy bien. Es una tierra a la que me encanta volver cada vez que puedo tanto con Stratovarius o esta vez con el fuo Blackoustic. Espero me acompañen y compartamos una asombrosa velada juntos…