"People need to be brave, get out of their comfort zone and not worry about the genre of music": SKINDRED

Skindred es una de esas raras quimeras que varias veces nos regala el rock. Fundados hace veinte años en Newport, los galeses son una rara mezcla entre metal, rock alternativo, reggae, ska, punk y muchos otros elementos que han causado admiración en muchos… y repulsión en varios otros.

For the first time, the band will set foot on Mexican soil to be part of the Corona Hell and Heaven festival and presenting their new album. ‘Big Tings’ which will be released in a few days, so we had the opportunity to talk to the drummer Arya Goggin.


Every time I meet a new band for me, I like to listen to an album or two, and if I really like them, I like to see their shows live and regularly, I usually leave a little disappointed, but with you ... Well, you have a lot of energy on stage, they're a great live band, how do they do that?

Well it's because I think we are four very different people, with different opinions, different attitudes, in addition to having someone like Benji with a great presence on stage. It's a pretty cool thing to put the band, the people, our team on the same page, so when we are playing there is no division between the fans and the band, it involves everyone. Let's say it's a show to the "old school", We get very involved with the public and that makes us a different band now.

Benji has made his position on the digital era of music very clear, do you also think that it directly affects the process and what it entails?

It certainly affects up to a point. However, a good band will still be a good band regardless of whether they use digital or analog equipment. I do not think about whether the music I listen to is recorded digitally or analogically, but what it makes me feel and if it makes you feel good, you are on the right track.

The problem with the digital age is that there are bands that use technology to sound more or less decent, but when they stand on stage to play live they simply cannot perform it the same way and disappoint people.

We certainly use electronic elements, we experiment with sound. Digital instruments are very useful for us, because the study becomes an instrument, we can do things faster in real time, and see your ideas take shape, something completely opposed to the analog system.

El problema es que ya cualquier persona cree que puede formar una banda completa desde una laptop…

That's right, Nine Inche Nails is a great example of a band that uses computers, technology and they also do it live and they're awesome. They are the clear example of how well things can get together if you mix the best of two worlds in a correct way.


arya gskin


Gangs can't control what their fans and media think about them, how do you deal with negative opinions? For example, now with his new album.

There is the detail! When you do something other than what you did previously, it will always be criticized and destroyed by the self-appointed. "critics”. Lo que yo hago es dividir todo en 50 y 50. La mitad es la gente que lo odia y la otra mitad la gente a la que le encanta y me concentro en hacer música para estos últimos, porque sé que estarán con nosotros para siempre. No me preocupa la gente que lo odia, me preocuparía si lanzamos algo y la reacción de la gente sea algo como “meh, pues… está bien” pues entonces caíste en la mediocridad. Durante el proceso de grabación, no pensamos en ello. Simplemente amamos lo que hacemos y espero que la gente comprenda que intentamos hacer algo diferente en esta ocasión. Grabamos el disco en el estudio de Peter Gabriel (Real World Studios) y el simple hecho de estar ahí es muy inspirador y llevas eso contigo cuando estas grabando. Es una bendición poder hacer todo esto.

When I heard it, I must say that I liked his new material quite a bit. I think it is a very enjoyable album.

Thank you very much! For example, my favorite band of all time is Queen and they never made the same album twice. It didn't matter if you listen "the show must go on"Or"a kind of magic”, You can notice that evolution and it is something that you can enjoy. Reinventing yourself is a great thing.

People today crucify bands for wanting to explore and advance their sound. Do we need that spirit of the gangs of yore, who were allowed change?

Definitivamente. A ellos se les dio la oportunidad de explorarse, de conocer hacía donde iba su música. Cuando yo tenía 20 años, grabamos ‘Babylon’, y ahora que tengo 38, soy una persona muy distinta a cuando hice ese disco. Es como el caso de Metallica, que alcanzaron el éxito con “and Justice for all…” con ese pesado sonido thrash; y luego sacan el ‘black álbum’ y todos su hardcore fans empezaron a decir “han cambiado, se han vendido”. Y no, no es que se hayan vendido, sino que cambiaron como personas. No puedes pedir otro “And Justice…” u otro “Black album” porque ya no son las mismas personas que cuando crearon esos discos.


If you want to live only on rock and metal, you are not going to get very far! 


Skindred will be in Mexico for the first time in a gigantic festival like Corona Hell and Heaven, how does it feel that your first show here is one of this kind?

Oh, my God! I can tell you that it is a wonderful feeling, it is a blessing. It is to fulfill the dream of when you start a band, when you start to compose, to go on tour and you're with the best. Being inside an iconic poster is very flattering, it makes one more humble to enjoy this. None of us have been to Mexico before, so we are very, very excited because we know that the Mexican public is crazy, that they have a beautiful climate, delicious food and that is the perfect combination for a great show.

Imagine that after Hell and Heaven they could give a tour of the country, which band would you take with you?

We would love to do a tour in Mexico, anywhere in the world. For now we have the UK tour, but the question would be to be able to continue returning to these places. Because you know, if we do a single show in Mexico and never return, it would be too sad, now, do you know who I would like to do the tour with there? With Prophets of Rage, or someone like that. It would be amazing, wouldn't it?

Skindred has shared the stage with guys like Robbie Williams, and it's clear to me that they're willing to do anything, to take risks. There are artists who do not accept certain posters because "they would not fit". What would you say to them? You guys are doing it.

Para mí, creo que quieres tener gente que aprecie y consuma música, tienes que tomar diferentes riesgos y tocar con diferentes géneros y diferentes lugares. ¡Si quieres vivir solo de rock y metal, no vas a llegar muy lejos! Cuando puedes tocar en un Festival de pop, de rock, de black metal, tomando esas oportunidades – porque al fin y al cabo es música -, y lo haces bien, a la gente le va a gustar, sin importar el género. Tienes que ser valiente y dar ese paso aunque no haya 50 mil playeras negras y haya 10 mil fans de Britney Spears. Estrabajo de las bandas complacer a la gente en general, no a los de las playeras negras, sino todos… y si todo sale bien se comprarán su playera negra. Que disfruten nuestra música lo suficiente como para que hagan esa “conversión”. La gente necesita ser valiente salir de su zona de confort y no preocuparse por el género que sea la música.

How do you think music will evolve in the next 30 years, if we follow the path marked by today?

Bueno, la música nunca dejará de existir, siempre habrá alguien con una guitarra, con un bajo, con un batería, cantando. La música es algo tan grande en la historia, que jamás desaparecerá. Si hablamos exclusicamente en  términos de rock, siempre habrá canciones que definen personalidades, gustos. Hay música trivial que simplemente se va o estará por ahí algunos años; sabes a lo que me refiero. Y cuando las computadoras se vayan (risas) seguiremos teniendo el bajo, la guitarra la batería y la voz. Seguiremos admirando a Black Sabbath, Led Zepellin y Queen, seguiremos admirando a los grandes, eso no cambiará, la gente seguirá necesitando de su música en 30 o 40 años. Y de igual forma necesitaremos encontrar a nuestros headliners del mañana… se ha ido Motorhead, aún tenemos a Judas Priest, ¿pero quién tomará su lugar?

Who do you think will take those places right now?

Skindred, of course! (laughs)

And who else?!

Papa Roach, they are very good, they have come a long way and they are very good. Foo Fighters will be there, I'm sure. It is one of those bands within that very exclusive club where you can fill arenas. There are bands like Royal Blood that are doing a great job and could be in about 10 or 20 years time will tell.

It is very difficult when a great band leaves us, to think who can take their place. I think Avenged Sevenfold is also doing very well; Disturbed is becoming those kinds of American rock bands that continue to grow monstrously and bands like Skindred that we will continue to grow. Ghost! They are also doing very well.

And well, finally for the people in Mexico who still don't know who Skindred is, what would you say to them so they don't miss their show at the Corona Hell and Heaven Metal Fest?

It will be the best party for 45 minutes in the sun, an unforgettable afternoon, regardless of whether you like music or not, we will give you a great show. Leave your inhibitions behind, enjoy the concert and judge for yourself.


rock am ring 2017 skindred live bei 180767