Skillet lanza video para ‘Save Me’

'Save Me', It is one of the songs that is part of the latest album of the Christian rock band 'Victorious', which was released last August through the Atlantic discography.

Regarding the theme of the song, John Cooper, vocalist of the band said the following:

"I wanted to make the song a little sad, because the lyrics are very romantic, actually. It sounds dark, but it's about the fact that intimacy is really difficult. We all want to be known and we all want to get to know someone in an intimate way, but what we are not always prepared for is that intimacy hurts. The lyrics of the second verse: "Peel the skin, exposed to you / Enjoy the pain", what it says is that it is really wonderful to be known, but it also hurts because we have a lot of ugly trash inside us. It is not always wonderful when someone discovers how selfish a person you can be, or what an idiot you can be in the morning when you are in a bad mood, the way you respond to someone you love when you are exhausted and discover how bad you are. But it's still wonderful to be known, and still to be loved is something really wonderful to me, and that's what "Save Me" is all about. And we can brag a little: the bridge over that song has a bit of a riff. When "I've been playing it live, someone said," I had no idea SKILLET could play like that. " I was like, pfff, kid ... [Laughter] "

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