Richard Z. Kruspe and Rammstein Imminent rupture?


Recently, Richard Z. Kruspeguitarist Rammstein and one of the most recognized German rock musicians in history, gave a series of interviews, about the launch of Silent so long, the new record production of his alternative project Emigrate. In one of these interviews in particular, given to Heavy Magazine AustraliaIn addition to promoting the long-awaited sequel to the band's debut album, Mr. Kruspe answered a series of inevitable questions about Rammstein –And we say "Inevitable" because none of the members of the Teutonic sextet can or will ever remove the shadow of that gigantic group to which they belong. It doesn't matter if it is Till Lindemann the one being interviewed regarding his role as a plastic sculptor or Christian Lorenz about your car rental business; always invariably Rammstein it is present in everything they do.

Some of the statements made by the German guitarist in this interview have generated concern among the millions of followers of the authors of "Du Riechst So Gut". The reason? They breathe a slight air of dissatisfaction, perhaps boredom in relation to the band, the tours, and the recording process. -Depression. A great depression. I ended the tour with Rammstein and I ended up down- was the response of Kruspe faced with the questioning of the origin of the new album by Emigrate. It was the depression and - we suppose - the fatigue of the extensive tour Made in Germany what did that RZK Look for a way to escape and creative relaxation. And this palliative, for him, is called Emigrate.

Emigrate is for Kruspe much more than a band; It is the place where he can give free rein to his creativity, and above all, where he is the one who always has the final word. Like Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, protagonist of Das Parfum, RZK escape to Emigrate –The world where he is Lord and Master- when life with Rammstein it just becomes unbearable. And how not to. Rammstein It is a project made up of six great musicians, and this means six enormous egos. Despite its negative connotation, the ego is one of the main ingredients of creativity, and all great artists are filled to the ears with it. Imagine now, dear reader, the battle of egos that must take place within the most successful German group in rock history. Particularly in the recording studio. -No no no- responds emphatically Kruspe when you are told that the experience of recording with Rammstein It must be great. "It's a lot of suffering- keep going. -With Emigrate I realize who I am, I like being in control and being the only one who can have an opinion […] Rammstein [instead] is so democratic and many of the decisions are made by egos, not because of the music. […] We have a responsibility to be a band like Rammstein. But if you ask me if I enjoy recording with Rammstein, no, I don't-

An easy and superficial reading of these statements can lead to a conclusion that weighs on Rammstein the threat of an impending breakup. But those who do this superficial reading, obviously, only know the band superficially. Richard Z. Kruspe does not separate from Rammstein. There is nothing in his statements to indicate this. What was revealed in the aforementioned interview reflects only the natural satiety - and understandable - of someone who has practically worked for more than twenty years with the same group of people: An incredibly similar relationship to a communal marriage, with its ups and downs. It also reflects the responsibility that weighs on those who have seen their group get out of hand; Rammstein It is no longer theirs, it is the public and its millions of followers around the world. This responsibility represents a heavy burden on the shoulders of the creative minds of the band, particularly Till Lindemann and Richard Z. Kruspe, because even though they declare the contrary, they know that they no longer compose for themselves - they compose for the fans. It is for all this that RZK seeks escape from his alternate project -[Emigrate gives me] the balance to stay on Rammstein. Without Emigrate I couldn't even think about staying there […] Emigrate rocks me-

But –and this is vital- RZK he only seeks refuge in his second band when Rammstein it is in a period of inactivity, like the current one. To put it in clear and concise words, yes Rammstein is the job, Emigrate it's the holidays. The Godinez who follow this three times H. Rock Magazine and who read this column, they will read in this last sentence that RZK hates Rammstein -as well as the Godinez they hate their own jobs- But there are those of us who do love the work we do and that pay us. Kruspe It is one of them. In case the huge "I love Rammstein than RZK declares in the same interview it was not enough, let's take as an example this other statement he made for Metal hammer:
-My business with Rammstein is that it will never end ... It is a concept that has developed its own chemistry, its own energy ... it is not something that will end.

In his own words Richard Z. Kruspe: Rammstein it will not end. Never. End of story.

Before finalizing this column, however, it is worth mentioning the excessive negative reaction that the statements of Kruspe have sparked among fan communities, particularly on social media. "What's wrong with that idiot? Richard it would be nothing without Rammstein I read recently, among a sea of similar comments. And well ... in our beloved Mexico there are no fans with a critical sense. We are a nation of followers with excessive passion and lacking in reason, we do not know half measures. We either love or hate. If we add to this the defects of a community full of impressionable and prejudiced teenagers like the metalheads, who not only admire but worship, idolize - in the worst pagan sense of the term - and revere the gangs that follow, we can then begin to understand - not justify - such stupid reactions. Those who thus express themselves from the native of Wittenbergehave no idea of the fundamental role of Kruspe in the band. It is not only the creative mind behind the music; not only is it the indispensable complement to the mastermind behind the letters -Lindemann-. RZK He is simply the founder of the Stone Ram.

Yes… Richard Z. Kruspe it would be nothing without Rammstein.

But Rammstein simply would not exist ... without Richard Z. Kruspe.

May they never forget them.