Ozzy Osbourne: 7 decades summarized in 10 songs

John Michael Osbourne He was born on a day like today December 3 but from 1948 in Birmingham, England. His musical career throughout all these years coupled with his eccentricism have led him to become an icon and benchmark in the industry, as well as frontman of Black Sabbath as for his solo career. Always on everyone's lips the same for his follies and his great talent as even for his reallity shows, here we leave you a top 10 of the most influential songs in the history of music to which the madman has given voice.


10.- Fairies Wear Boots

Released in 1970 on the album Paranoid of Black Sabbath. An inevitable topic in the setlist of both the band in question and when Ozzy performs as a soloist. There are at least two versions commented by members of Black Sabbath on the theme of the song: On the one hand in the release of the compilation Black Box: The Complete Original Black Sabbath (1970–1978) Tommy Iomi He assured that the topic was based on an amazing trip with cannabis where Ozzy Osbourne and Geeze Butler they saw fairies in boots running in a park. However, the latter would ensure in the documentary Classic Albums: Black Sabbath’s Paranoid launched in 2010, that the theme refers to a meeting with young people skinheads, who would be the fairies in question.



9.- Mama, I´m Comming Home

If you think that it is a song dedicated to its progenitor only for the title, then from there you have erred. The theme detached from the sixth album of Ozzy as a soloist No More Tears it's actually a piece dedicated to Sharon Osbourne, his wife and manager; to whom on the subject he says has returned home after a long learning. It is speculated it is a melody that describes the moment when Ozzy leaves artistic life and decides to spend the rest of his days as a family man, so he could have a very important role in the current situation of the tour goodbye The theme is melodious and melancholic, like almost all the album that follows, and is the only theme in the solo career of Osbourne who has reached a position in the Billboard Hot 100 with an honorable number 28 in the year of 1992.


8.- Mr. Crowley

From sentiment and melancholy we go to darkness and mysterious sciences with this theme released as a second single from the album Blizzard of Ozz released in 1980 which would mark the debut of Ozzy in his solo career. The subject is of course an introspection towards the mind of Aleister CrowleyEnglish artist and occultist famous for his connection to magic and divination. With a heavy and dark sound, the theme has won countless recognitions mainly for the guitar solos, which have a high degree of virtuosity.


7.- Children Of The Grave

We now return to the stage of Ozzy in Black Sabbath. It is in 1971 on the disc Master of reality where we find this piece that continues the anti-arms and idealistic cut very characteristic of that decade. In it the ideas of choice between a life of peace and love or one of war or death, are printed on children's figures whose way is to live to enjoy life, or to be recruited for combat and end up becoming cold tombstones. An undoubtedly constant theme in the setlist of Ozzy and Black Sabbath.


6.- Bark At The Moon

Although we have already covered the intrapersonal and anti-war facets of OzzyIt is up to this point that we come to another important topic that has earned him the name of rock prince of darkness: Terror. In this song released on the album of the same name in 1983 Ozzy It tells the story of a man who rises from the grave turned into a bloodthirsty beast who returns to town for revenge. Curiously, the video clip shows instead a Ozzy mutating this being for the drink of a concoction in the pure style of Doctor jekill. Piece of heavy metal pure, it is undoubtedly a cult topic that obtained the 12th place in the count of Billboard of rock songs, and which has been the song with which Ozzy begins his recitals. If you have never howled like a wolf in front of a stage while listening to this song, you have not lived.


5.- War Pigs

We are going back to the idealism of peace and not to the war of Black Sabbath. The opening song of the album Paranoid it has an unmistakable entrance that serves as the background for the history of the evil military minds that from the shadows command the world to death and destruction. Its heavy sound and cutting riffs lead us to contempt and rejection of the way in which a few people decide the death and destruction of millions in order to get more power. A theme written in the seventies, which sadly we see does not lose validity.


4.- I Don´t Wanna To Change The World

As we had discussed above, No More Tears is the most intrapersonal album of Ozzy, where the English really sought to bare his soul in sublime songs and full of feeling. With this topic Ozzy  it stands apart from all stigma and moral imposition that any person wants to impose on it. The theme is simple and basic and yet I would give Ozzy a prize Grammy for best metal song, in the 36th edition of these awards in 1994.


3.- Iron Man

A theme of Black Sabbath that has figured and devastated as soon as musical count has existed, call it Billboard, Rolling Stone, VH1, etc. A jewel more detached from the album Paranoid that tells the story of a man who travels in time and witnesses an apocalyptic world in the future. The man returns to the present but due to magnetic irradiation he returns converted into an iron man. His warnings are thrown away, unleashing his fury, and paradoxically, he becomes the author of that desolate world. Sorry to disappoint you friend millennial: It has nothing to do with the movie Marvel.


2.- Crazy Train

The first single from the album Blizzard of Ozz opened wide the doors of industry to Ozzy Osbourne en su faceta solista. La canción habla de los sentimientos de un hombre partícipe de la llamada “guerra fría”, aunque también se especula es el grito de repudio a la forma en que el inlgés fue expulsado de su anterior banda. Es una pieza mundialmente famosa por el solo de guitarra de Randy Rhoads, and between its harvest it counts on having positioned itself at number 49 of the count of the singles of England in 1980, while in the United States the song would reach the ninth position of the top of songs of Billboard in 1981.


1.- Paranoid

By far the most famous song to ever come out of the vocal chords of Ozzy Osbourne. The theme that represents the closing of any show where the English sing, is a hymn that passes from generation to generation telling the story of a poor man tormented by his own sick mind. Talking about the recognition and the positions he has occupied in hundreds of rock and metal counts around the world is superfluous, when we are in front of the one who is undoubtedly world patronage of music.