Vampire night with Inkubus Sukkubus in Gato Calavera

Release Date
enero 20, 2024
Skull Cat
Klub Terminal

Gato Calavera was the venue where after nightfall the vampires who inhabit Mexico City met for the great concert of Inkubus Sukkubus, who returned to our city of the hand of Diagnosis MX and Klub Terminal to flood the Álamos neighborhood with gothic sounds and stories of creatures of the night.

After a while of mixing by the guest DJs, La Danza de las Ánimas was the band in charge of opening the event with their powerful Deathgoth. With a very cadaverous image of their singer, the group delighted the attendees with a good download of songs such as “Estrella Negra”, their great cover of “Enterrado Vivo” original of Eskorbuto or “La Muerte del Mundo” . People constantly celebrated the performance of the musicians who with a small snippet again of “Enterrado Vivo” closed their cadaverous presentation to give way to the star act.

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After a very brief pause, the English fromInkubus Sukkubuswould arrive on stage to start the show with the hypnotizing rhythm of “Vampire Queen” and “Lose Yourself at the Nymphaeum”, and then fill the forum with black with their wonderful cover of “Paint It Black” original by The Rolling Stones. Candia strong> she would remove the flower diadem she was wearing on her head which would be caught by a lucky fan, and the night would continue its pace with “Night Angel”, “I Am The One” and the darkly seductive “Vampyre Erotica”. The sequence box that played the drum and synthesizer sounds did not stop and did not let the band interact much between songs, but still Inkubus Sukkubus took the time to say that he loved Mexico and they were fascinated to come, and people were able to fully enjoy songs like “Away Of The Faries”, “Heart Of Lilith” and the melodic “The Goat”.

“Queen Of Heaven, Queen Of Hell” would be the next song to be played and while Tony McKormack took off the buttons of his vest to give them to the audience, Candia showed a small woven doll of Baphomet and then she imitated the pose of said deity with her arms while singing “Belladona & Aconite”. It must be said that the turnout was quite acceptable considering that the concert competed with Therion's great show at the Mexico City Arena, which undoubtedly brought together a large number of followers of gothic metal. : We are sure that if this had not been the case, the Skull Cat would have been bursting at the seams since Inkubus Sukkubus really has a great following and people love them, to the extent that Candia He seemed to want to cry at the displays of affection. “Angel Of Lust”, “Wytches” and “The Beast In Us All” would be the songs with which the group would say goodbye but people asked for more and in the rush of not having more sequences ready they played again “Lose Yourself at the Nymphaeum” to now say goodbye to his dark followers, but not before inviting them to live with them at his merchandise stand.

Photos: Alfrevo Alvarado.

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Vampire night with Inkubus Sukkubus in Gato Calavera
Inkubus Sukkubus repasó gran parte de su discografia tocando casi un tema de cada disco, en una noche llena de ritmos góticos
La alegria de la banda y la comunión que tiene dentro de la comunidad con sus seguidores
Seguramente de no haber estado el concierto de Therion la entrada habría Sido mejor