Fotografías por Mayra Ortiz - Summa Inferno 2018

NARGAROTH: Black Mass Sunday at Foro Indie Rocks!


It is Sunday and tradition dictates that it is the obligatory day to attend mass and take communion. The black metalheads know this too and that is why they gathered but at the Indie Rocks Forum in Mexico City, last Sunday to take part in the ceremony offered by the Germans Nargaroth, who returned to our country with great success because the venue looked full of dark parishioners.

From the beginning the sounds of black metal flooded the Zacatecas street forum with the proposal of Askke, with all the paraphernalia, makeup and sound characteristic of the genre in an interesting local proposal. Later, the usual ones Trhough Torment They did their thing in a special presentation that they dedicated to their bass player who could not be present due to being hospitalized.

At the front of the stage, then, the staff placed 2 pedestals in the form of an inverted cross with a huge spike on the top, on which pigs' heads were strung as a frame to the butcher shop that we are about to witness. The lights go out and Nargaroth takes the stage to the rhythm with the tune of "The Agony of a Dying Phoenix", A subject detached from his most recent plaque"Era of threnody", followed by "Whither Goest Thou”Also belonging to this work.

Ash, is undoubtedly the frontman par excellence of the band and the one who steals the eyes by mixing hellish gutturals with high-pitched bellows on songs like "Conjuction Underneath the Alpha Wheel" and "Black Metal Ist Krieg”, Where the slam opens in one sector of the public with intensity while in other areas the lovers of Beelzebub shake their heads with fervor and idolatry.

The Germans do not interact much, if only to quickly thank the assistance of the people; his thing is rather to vibrate the walls in the name of the devil with songs like "Hunting Season" and "Abschiedsbrief Des Prometheus" The last minute change of venue came as a ring to the event, since the Indie Rocks inside looked like a kind of chapel with its characteristic Gothic finishes of the colony where it is located, which really gives a feeling of witnessing a true pagan ceremony and it makes themes like Seven Tears are Flowing to the River"Sit skin deep as in a true satanic homily.

Nargaroth Then step on the pedal with a couple of songs that make the bloodthirsty attendees devil first with "War", the band's original song Burzum and then with "Possessed by Black Fucking Metal”Where legions of skinny men literally take possession of fans who lose their minds and turn the place into a boiling pandemonium. With this infernal ending the Germans withdraw from the stage.

People cry out for the return of the band. Some in a respectful tone chanting the name of the band, others taking it with a rattle and changing it to "Nalgaroth", "Nalgarock", "Margaro" Or until" Gorgoroth ”; which at least serves to keep them entertained while Nargaroth he decides to return. The white faces with black shadows of the Teutons are present again and with a couple of other themes they end now if the black ceremony without saying goodbye and only withdrawing, as a good band daughter of evil has to do it. We can go in peace my brothers, the mass has ended.


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Una misa negra de excelente calidad, donde los fans de la banda y del black metal en general pudieron disfrutar de una excelente producción y un venue apropiado para su disfrute.