
"-Politicians- are really dark beings, we only make dark music": Erk Aicrag [Muzzle]

Hocico's Mexicans will perform on June 23 at Plaza Condesa in Mexico City. We had the opportunity to talk for a few minutes with Erk Aicrag, vocalist of this industrial electro band.

We are a few days away from your concert in Plaza Condesa. How does it feel to go from that first concert in Colonia 10 de Abril until now? They have passed through various stages such as the Dada X Club, the Sports Palace Pavilion and the Flying Circus among many others.

It is gratifying, it is very gratifying to evolve, I have very good memories of many shows that we have done in Mexico City, it is very cool to do our own show there in the plaza, which is an iconic venue, to be able to offer super quality audio , lights, being able to offer that fills me with pride.

And precisely with the tremor, there was much speculation about the square, which had been damaged after the earthquake of September 19. How was your experience in this event? 

I had to go a month after the fact, I had to see part of the devastation in that area; talk to people who were really affected, with pain on the surface. I found out here (Germany) from a friend and because it was night and there was not much information, just from a note on television in the United States.

Concerned, I was able to communicate with my family online and that night I did not sleep to see how everything was on social networks, although I no longer live there (Mexico) there are many things that affect me, personal and distance.

Hablando de la distancia… vienen elecciones ¿Tú vas a hacer tu voto en el extranjero? ¿Lo consideraste?

Sí, lo considere, pero justamente en México me robaron mi cartera en un camerino en uno de los últimos shows… también hay cosas negativas (risas). Las últimas visitas han sido muy cortas y no me he dado tiempo de renovarla.

Y sobre la política y de cara a las elecciones… ¿Cómo ves la situación a distancia?

Ufff… bueno… de aquí no me para la lengua (risas) . Todos los días reviso los diarios, no me desconecto de la vida política-económica de México, tengo amigos con los que platico todo el tiempo. Tengo 45 años y todos estos años de dictadura perfecta y el PRI, We were born and grew up with total disillusionment and mistrust of institutions and politicians until we take the position that whoever loses Mexico loses.

The last time I think we were excited was in 2000 with Fox, hoping that being the BREADBeing other weyes would change the situation, unfortunately he stayed in that: in illusion. The country stayed the same, corruption and poverty.

Ahora lo que va a suceder no tengo certeza,  si gana AMLO  at least the intention will be to see different things, I don't know in what sense but I would like to see it.

It seems to me that politics, and especially that of Mexico, is one of the saddest and darkest, most terrible professions that anyone can practice.

They are really dark beings, we only make dark music, these weyes if they make very dark and criminal scrolls. Let us hope that the votes are actually counted and that the will of the people is felt.

At least the changes at the mental level help, then at the political level; I think positive and I think that some generation will fall the 20 and it is going to have to change things from the roots, a six-year term is not enough to change the country, but we all have to change our mentality. Perhaps in about 10 generations we will see a renewed country and even traveling through various Latin American countries; I have seen that there are already more politically advanced countries than Mexico, that there are already politicians who are tried as in Peru who have already put a former president in jail and there are many more examples: Honduras, Guatemala, etc. Countries that are very similar in the way of governing in which Mexico must learn from them. It is necessary to punish these people who have put the country in this situation.

México, en algunas regiones, esta prácticamente en situación de guerra, tal vez no hay tanques, no hay bombas, pero hay gente inocente que muere todos los días, hay un mercado que está en las manos de los peores criminales… pero bueno, aquí paro sí no, no acabamos (risas).

Speaking of these true beings of darkness, the politicians; Muzzle has always touched on themes of darkness, religion, filia, social criticism, but will we ever have something direct and forceful against the political system?

There has been no direct mention, there is a social approach, but there is nothing, something direct political. There are questions that I can address lyrically that allow me to develop more as a human, that give me much more than the political question that really piss me off and make me want to.

Maybe like Ministry? they take full political banner and go straight on their materials.

I do not rule it out, I have made lyrics of that style, but we agreed on it in the band, with Racso. Besides, launching a political message is delicate, it polarizes you, I don't feel committed yet to develop it as an artist. There are people who do it very well, there are people who make protest music from the “Barzón” and more people who do that very well.

No sé como Hocico podría colaborar con eso, nosotros colaboramos en hacer un show extremo de dark electro muy fuerte, que la gente venga y saque sus emociones; que se olvide de lo que pasa alrededor por lo menos un par de horas, que salgan relajados y que sepan que compartirnos los mismos sentimientos, creo que eso es el arte.

De Hocico tenemos varios discos en vivo desde muchos lados: Berlín, Japón, Israel, Moscú. etc…. Pero un disco en vivo en su ciudad natal, Ciudad de México ¿Para cuándo se podrá concretar? ¿Qué esperarías de un disco en vivo desde la CDMX?

Déjame decirte que tenemos por lo menos 12 años intentándolo, incluso ya tenemos el titulo del disco, pero no te lo voy a decir (risas), ya tenemos como va ser la portada y todo, pero pasa, que algo nos pasa muy extraño: la grabación se jode, se corta, no hemos podido obtener una grabación decente para poder compartirla… ya no sabemos a quién ponerle la veladora, ya ni el diablo nos ayuda (risas).

It is very rare, but something that I would love would be to leave a concert in Mexico as a document, either as audio or video. The exact moment will have to come, I talk about it all the time with Racso,  algo tiene suceder para que se den las cosas y estar con las personas correctas, alguien que sea realmente profesional que nos ayude a hacerlo como esperamos.

They have been on the scene for more than 20 years, will we have 20 or more years of Snout? How do you feel as a band? 

We feel good, we are even going back to prepare the new album. We want to continue, we have connection. Although always the question between us is: Will we continue? Even when? but we still have fun, we still have a great time.

In general the outlook is favorable, I think we have Snout for a good while yet.

En concreto que esperamos en este show…

Estamos preparando canciones que no hemos tocado en un buen rato en México e incluso que no hemos tocado nunca, eso es como lo especial; un show bien montado, estamos tratando de sincronizar todo: el audio, vídeo, iluminación… todo bien elaborado.

Thank you very much Erk !!!

I hope to see you there.

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