Last Saturday the framework of the first edition of the Fest control, various groups from the synthesizer scene gathered. Since the national game with Decade 2going through rock projects like like The Horrors and of course a lot of electronics with Black line and the legendary Gary Numan. Already on Sunday and around 1 am, the participation of Front 242 it would happen with a Pepsi Center still full of festive atmosphere.
With the projection of some amazing colors, a mature Jean-Luc De Meyer and company went on stage to break in with “Happiness (More Angels)”, and with it begin to listen to the themes that marked the birth of the term EBM
The dawn and the participation of the Belgians continued its course with “Take One, Together” and the classic theme “Body to Body”, theme for which Electronic Body Music (EBM) was baptized.
"Good evening Mexico, how are we?" expressed the vocalist with more than 30 years of experience to continue with “Quite Unusual” under the effects of a light that hypnotized, and then listen to songs like “Moldavia” and “Funkahdafi”
“We’re back in time” fueron las palabras de Meyer para iniciar “U Men”, track from their first album Geography from 1982, but seasoned with rhythms typical of this decade.
We were halfway through the repertoire with “Commando Mix“: Una pista que es extensa y varios les pareció como si fuera varias canciones unidas (de hecho, es uno de los temas más largos de esta agrupación), bajo el efecto hipnótico de fragmentos de diferentes películas bélicas de antaño, refiriendo al carácter propio de la canción.
So they jump right into successes starting with “Until Death Us Do Part”, dejando los visuales fuera para que la audiencia se centrará en la banda engalanada con la típica vestimenta tipo comando, con la cual fueran en sus inicios acusados sin fundamentos reales de apoyar el neo-fascismo durante los 80’s.
The already tired audience drew strength before the climax of the concert with a “Vamos México” and the sounds that let in the best-known theme of the group are present: “Headhunter” makes the Naples venue sing at the top of its lungs the well-known lyrics of this hymn.
“¿Tienes más energía? nosotros también” question Front 242 and before the positive response, the good taste in the mouth continues with “Im Rhythmus Bleiben”, which despite being launched in 1988, in 2018 is fully in force among the new generations that gathered for this festival.
In the same way “Welcome To Paradise” in a version a little removed from the original and flirting with a more techno sound, which did not prevent most of them from reacting energetically. Although more than 6 hours of festival had already passed, only Front 242 and its classic themes can achieve this behavior.
Already for the final stretch with a powerful beat, which reminds us that we are in front of the parents of the EBM, he lets himself be heard “Operating Tracks”. AND to close with a flourish we had the pleasure of listening “Masterhit”, with which the Belgians closed their participation in this festival.