“Seria grandioso ir a México”. Una entrevista con Eisbrecher.

 Eisbrecher is a German Industrial Rock band formed by Alexander WesselskyEx Megaherz- and Noel Pix.

For the first time in a 10-year career, the band offers an interview to a Latin American media and SUMMA Inferno feels privileged for this little talk with Noel Pix, who tells us about the future of the band and how it has been to consolidate Eisbrecher within the music scene.




-Hello, Noel. Your last album, "Die Hölle muss warten" was released in early 2012, have you already started working on your next material?

Yes actually. We are halfway through the process of writing it. "Die Hölle muss warten" It has been our most successful album to date by far and now we have to face the challenge of doing something much better with this one.

Our goal is to reach #1 of the German charts, we will see if we did it! But first, we must find a way to surprise you, looking for new paths, musically, but without losing the style of Eisbrecher.

We already have the odd song inside our heads waiting to come out and be recorded. But we are quite calm, because the material we have obtained shows us that we are on the right track.

- And how is your relationship with other bands in the Neue Deutsche Härte?

Personally, I listen to music from all other styles, from pop to electro.
Of course, we listen to the music that our colleagues make, but I prefer that my music be influenced by other genres. To be honest, a lot of music that is currently made in the genre seems to have been recorded in 1998 and it seems very boring to me.

- What is the next step in your musical evolution?

If only I knew! A band grows and evolves over time, you can't plan that.
You can try to be clear, but it will always come out different from how you originally thought. That is what experience has taught me over the years.
Of course, what you should try to do is improve with composer and producer. That if! The only thing I am sure of is that Eisbrecher's next album ... It will not be Dubstep!

Eisbrecher+x_bb4d88b- How do you prefer to invest your time? In studio, writing and recording; or on tour, on top of a stage?

I can tell you that I really enjoy being in the studio. I still love to lock myself in the studio to work on a sound for hours or even days ... to solve that riddle that will later become a song.

Alex, on the other hand, would not agree with me. He hates the studio and loves the energy he gets from a live audience. Two different points of view, of two very different types.

- What do you consider to be your greatest musical influences?

As I have always said, I love listening to many musical styles. From Trentemöller, passing through NIN and arriving at Adele.
I listen to everything.

The exciting thing about music is listening to all the variety that exists!

- And how was your presentation at the Wacken Open Air?

Wacken was a great experience for us! We played there for the first time and we are very happy that our music caught up with metal fans, they really liked it!

One problem was the heat. We fully understand why Lemmy [Kilmister] dropped out of his presentation after 30 minutes. It was really difficult to fight against that, but we are a little younger than him. but hey it's rock & roll!

- What difference do you notice between your different audiences around the planet?

Until now, we have only played in German-speaking countries and in Russia.
So there are many places on the map that we can't talk about yet. But I can say that the Russians can party really hard ... I take off my hat! The truth, that's why we are going to go there in early 2014.

- With which musicians would you like to collaborate in the future?

My dream is to collaborate with Trent Reznor or maybe with Celldweller. It would be great! I really admire the musical development that these subjects have had ...

- Is there a specific song you would like to cover?

Yes, there is one I would love to cover ... And in fact we already recorded it ... But I can't tell you more for now.
Well, I just give you a hint: She is from the 80's and she is German.

- How important has direct communication with your fans through social media become?

You cannot imagine our days, without thinking about Facebook and others. It is a very good way to communicate with your fans, but sometimes it turns into something not too good. Everyone can insult you, and I can react in a very bad way just after a few clicks on my cell phone. It is the bad part of the matter.

But on the other hand, thanks to them I keep in touch with "Enrico" via Facebook ... imagine that he lives on a remote island with only 180 inhabitants until the end of the world. He loves Eisbrecher. Isn't it cool, too? By the way, how is it that he can access the internet?… [Laughs]

- Can we see them live in Mexico someday?

It would be great and wonderful to go to Mexico and have a tequila ... or maybe two.
We will see what time has in store for us. Until now, we haven't had a single offer to play there until now. This is even the first interview we offer for a Latin American medium. Thank you very much, by the way.

- Any message for your fans in our country?

If we can't go to you, come here!



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