CodeOrage TimSaccenti 2023 2

Code Orange cancels tour due to health problems of its guitarist, Dominic Landolina

Through a statement published on social networks, Code Orange announced the cancellation of all dates of its upcoming solo tour due to the health problems that its guitarist, Dominic Landolina, has been experiencing since last year.

"It pains us deeply to announce that we are canceling our upcoming headline tour, as well as the ShipRocked cruise / Pulp Summer Slam around it. "Our guitarist Dom has been dealing with serious health issues over the past year that have led to his inability to play, perform and live comfortably. While he gritted through our fall performances, his issues were exasperated by them. We wanted to give him proper time to heal before making a group decision, and were very hopeful he would be able to return by February. Ultimately it's been determined that he is unable to play guitar at this time. We take this decision very seriously, and this is the last way we intended to start this era."

Code Orange's most recent album, 'The Above', was released in September 2023.

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