Let's start by discarding things: if you think that because Varg Vikernes is behind the disc and because it is a material of Burzum it's going to sound like black metal, you are going to take a giant span of noses as well, it has continuously happened with the material of Burzum. In order for you to understand what you are dealing with with this album, I think it is necessary to read the description that was given to the album when it was conceptualized.
"Thulêan Mysteries it was done passively, in the sense that I never intended to make a new album; I only made music once in a while and at one point I realized that I actually had enough to release everything on one album. When asked, I thought: why not? It was a good idea. Music is a bit of this and a bit of the other, transcending any genre and perhaps belonging to many different genres. The intention with that was always to create a certain atmosphere, often related to an idea or a situation. Since my true passion has never been music, but tabletop role-playing games, I thought I should make this an album intended for that use; as background music for my own MYFAROG (Mythical fantasy role-playing game). Hopefully you will feel Thulê when you hear this as always with Burzum, ideally when you are alone. I hope you enjoy this soundtrack for Thulê, for Mother Nature and life itself ”
Already entering the album because we found these relaxing sounds from the beginning and that could be the soundtrack perfect for a night on the edge of the swamp in “The Sacred Well"And cut it The Loss Of a Hero" In "ForeBears" the musicalization is less atmospheric and more complete, with the addition of strings and pianos. In fact, the latter are the most evident protagonist in the following topic "A Thulêan Perspective". We arrived to "Gathering of Herbs"And we undoubtedly have a huge influence on the rhythms of northern Europe and its Scandinavian influences, and then fall into"Heill auk Sæll] ”: the first song with lyrics and that has an absolutely tribal and to some extent intimidating base. "Jötunnheimr" takes up the deep and dark atmospheres with a horn blowing in the background, and then we get into something even more experimental with Spell-Lake Forest and the appearance of violins. We are in a series of songs that last just a minute and a fraction and coincide in this environmental way of seeking to transmit vibrations, and so we continue with "The Ettin Stone Heart" and "The Great Sleep" which in fact is a theme that the voice sounds like a relaxing yet powerful lullaby. "The Land of Thulê" This first half of the album closes with the same experimental formula as the previous songs, accompanied by a narrative voice that appears from time to time.

Next we have two long-running tracks, with "The Lord Of The Dwarves" and "A Forgotten Realm", con más de 5 y 7 minutos de duración respectivamente. Una grosería teniendo en cuenta que el corte del disco en cada tema es lineal y monótono lo cual es digerible en tracks de 1 o 2 minutos de duración, pero no de este tamaño. Burzum retoma los tracks cortos con la acústica y oradora "Heill Óðinn, Sire" así como con la entretenida “The Ruins of Dwarfmount” y la incursión de instrumentos de viento; pero luego nos receta otro insufrible tema gigante de casi ocho minutos con "The Road to Hel" Is seriously Varg? "Thulêan Sorcery" como su nombre lo indica pareciera una ceremonia de hechicería que está llevándose a cabo, complementada con "Descent into Niflheimr" que se encuentra en un tenor similar, aunque más cavernosa incluso con sonidos de gotas cayendo que te hacen sentir dentro de una cueva. Skin Traveler se relaja y es solo una colección de vibraciones que vienen y van, y de nuevo una majadería de casi 9 minutos llamada "The Dream Land” nos detiene y pues si: por poco logra el objetivo de dormirnos. Y es que a pesar de que si, tiene ligeros cambios de melodía y silencios cada 2 minutos más o menos, es demasiado tiempo a mi gusto para una sola canción. “Thulêan Mysteries” no ofrece nada diferente y podría confundirse sin problemas con uno de los tracks atmosféricos del inicio, y luego tómala: 15 minutos de “The Password”. No voy a decir ya nada, está por demás describa es una manda. Unos dulces sonidos de piano nos reciben en “The Loss of Thulê”, Closing the work.
In conclusion, this new album by Burzum It is the perfect piece if you have a Scandinavian goods store and you want background music for your customers, you are playing a complicated role-playing video game with princesses and elves in the middle of the forest or you just want to go in the middle of nature to connect with it with your eyes closed. Untill there. If it is something you want to bring as music to run in the day, you will simply give it "stop" too fast.