Misha Mansoor
Misha Mansoor

Can you stand it? Listen to the hour and a half song by the guitarist from Periphery

We all know that progressive artists take their time, but there are times when they abuse that right.

Misha Mansoorguitarist Periphery has launched the theme ‘Red Water’ through his solo project, Bulb, which lasts for an hour and 37 minutes! Also, if you think that it has some of the power of its main band, you will be disappointed, because the song is an ode to tranquility.

“El mundo está un poco loco actualmente, pero aquí hay algo para relajarse”, commented the guitarist on the subject, which will certainly relax anyone who listens to it.

If you are going to listen to her, we recommend you not to operate heavy machinery, put on your headphones and let yourself go just before sleeping. We promise that it will be of great help.