Jinjer has finished recording his new album!

The fastest Ukrainians in the west! Jinjer He barely announced the recording of his new album at the end of May and today it is already finished. This news came thanks to the bassist of the band Eugene Abdiukhanov who commented on Download in the UK the following:

 “La grabación está lista. Anteayer, Tatiana grabó las voces de la última canción. Y ahora todos los instrumentos, todas las líneas, todo es grabado. Así que todo se trata de mezclar y masterizar “.

Let's remember that a few months ago Jinjer released his EP ‘Micro’this is not a continuation of their album ‘King of Everything’ (2016), but the new one that just finished.

Abdiukhanov added:

“Y este disco, que saldrá este año, es una especie de sucesor de Micro. Esto es algo similar, pero al mismo tiempo diferente. Hay un hilo que sigue yendo de Micro al próximo álbum, Algo que une a estos dos”.

We just have to wait for the release news of this long-awaited album.