Behemoth 2019

Behemoth dará concierto en línea, ‘In Absentia Dei’

Los gigantes polaces del blackened death metal, Behemoth dará un show especial a través de internet llamado ‘In Absentia Dei’ el próximo 5 de septiembre desde una antigua iglesia en su país natal, cuya ubicación no ha sido revelada.

La banda desplegará una producción de primer nivel, incluyendo una calidad de 4K, 8 cámaras para que no te pierdas detalle de nada y una versión “del director” que podrás disfrutar después. Debido a la naturaleza del show, será exclusivamente para mayores de edad.

Los boletos ya están a la venta y puedes adquirirlos, aquí.

Behemoth – In Absentia Dei

Behemoth present to you; ‘In Absentia Dei’. We welcome you to join us for an event like no other! This is an offering to our dedicated Legions, drawing upon our entire repertoire to perform songs that have long been committed to the archives.Within the walls of the Holy Church in regions unknown; we have also prepared a feast of sacrilegious theatrical performances which will intersect amongst our show to form the unholiest stream event of this Aeon. We have teamed up with Omnilive to bring you a brand-new feature of 8 selectable and immersive camera angles which you can seamlessly select throughout the show to summon your own Hellish experience.To commence festivities, we have invited the beautifully chaotic IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT who act as our pre-show special guests, performing from The Slipper Room Cabaret in Manhattan. More details on the pre-show event to come in the very near future!Early-bird tickets & limited-edition merch bundles are on sale now at

Posted by BEHEMOTH! on Friday, August 21, 2020
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